Prologue II - Claude Meridian

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        Waking up on a cold morning sure is one of the best ways to wake up and start your day. Looking at my well lit room filled with anime and videogame posters, some pictures on the desk and my computer left open for days. It sure is my typical day. Thank for that air conditioning unit, it makes my room cool enough for me to survive a hot day. Getting ready for the last day of the event. I took out my typical high school anime character outfit. A short skirt with stockings, a white long sleeve with a white over black striped necktie and a coat with a matching black leather gloves.

        As I finished fixing myself up. Wearing my typical clothes as I go to the Convention Center. I'm on my Cargo Pants, and wearing a White Polo shirt with a matching sneakers. With a backpack strapped on my back filled with clothes and food, with a pair of earphones dangling in my ears as the wind flies the wires with the current as I wait for the bus going to the city arrives. It's going to be a 30 minute ride. With stops and everything. So I will use this opportunity to introduce myself, like what that guy did while he was on his car earlier.

        My name is Claude Meridian. A 19 year old graduating college student, major in Information Technology and Animation. One of my personal hobbies is obviously cosplaying. Other else are like playing videogames, watching anime and movies, reading books about history and torture. Sometimes, I play the violin and the piano for old times sake. I'm 5'5" tall. I love watching Sherlock and other television series especially when it involves crime cases with humor. I study diifferent languages, some of these includes Indonesian, Japanese and many more. Oh lookie here, we're here. I think that\s all you need to learn about me for now. Since we still have a long way to go. I'm looking forward getting to know you more, ne? =w=

        As I took off from the station, I met my other friends from my cosplay group named Zetsubo which means "despair" in Japanese. An otaku group and also an online guild in different online games around the region. I took off with them and headed straight to the convention hall. Changed clothes and applied make-up on my face. Getting prepped up for the last day of the expo. I have to put on the best smile in this place so that I can get a place on some web articles or be a headline of the local news paper.

        While I was busy on visiting stalls, getting pictures with other cosplayers, I was really immersed in the world of fantasy being applied in the real world. Imagine people weating epic costumes with their weapons as they legally roam around the place how cool can that be?!

        When I saw a cosplayer playing a violin on the other side of the intersectiom. I rushed there with my violin and bow trying to have a duet with him, then right in that intersection, I crashed into a guy wearing a jacket and while reading something on his phone. We both fell down and hurts my leg. But I was fine. One thing that I've noticed after that was a man's familiar voice saying "Are you okay?" as he reaches out his hand in aid to a fallen maiden.

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