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Today marks the end of summer, when the autumn breeze starts to replace the heat of the sun loved by everyone. Summer will be gone soon, and the european-styled building the people call "Sejong International School" will be packed with students returning there to continue their education, as well as by the 10th graders with their first-day-of-school jitters. Indeed, today is September 1st.

The boarding dorms are crowded as boarders (or more likely, the boarders' personal assistants) mobilize from the entrance to their dorm room and back again to the entrance, each time with a luggage to be put into their new dorm for the academic year ahead.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going!"

"Watch where I'm going? Don't you think you're the one who needs to do that? You can qualify as a blind person at this point"

Soojin is shooked. But honestly how can she not? Throughout her past few months as a student here, Kang Soojin has earned her title as the most feared lady in the entire school. No one dare to talk back to her. An expected response to her earlier words is supposed to be an apology for standing in her way.

Short brown hair, bitchy attitude, hmm pretty face, and a fucking Gucci belt. Clearly she's new here. Not only did she talk back, but she also flaunts her wealth in front of her.

Soojin just scoffs her off and continue ordering her assistants around, they're not gonna linger around for long anyway, might as well enjoy every second of their existence before they go away and leave her to her own devices.

"Kang Soojin"

Tall, handsome, athletic, talented, rich, fucking spoilt, but...broken. If those aren't the perfect words to describe Baek Kyung, than no other words will.

"Oh well hello, Mr. embarassing. I can't believe your grandfather had to send out his bodyguards to drag your ass back from the states. It's been almost 3 months but... It's pretty memorable in people's minds you know"

"Shut it. I'm here because my grandfather wants a picture of us. Let's do this shit quickly and get on with our own business okay. Secretary kim, take the fucking picture and get lost"

"Aren't you a little harsh? Where are your manners" Soojin sent a mocking smile while fixing Baek Kyung's tie, for the picture of course.

"Wow, you're one to talk" he raised his eyebrows in disbelief. She chuckles, untying his tie and ties them again in a Windsor knot, the way her family tie their ties.


"Have you taken the picture?" Baek Kyung asked harshly to his grandfather's secretary. He nods as a reply. Baek Kyung then turned around and starts walking away.

"Oh by the way, still chasing her, Kyung? She was quite a disgrace you know. No, she still is. No wonder your grandfather asked her to go to the states. Gosh she even took the money offered to her. If I were her I would be embarrassed to death"

He turned around and walks towards her angrily.

"Don't you dare say a thing about her. Your dirty lips don't deserve to speak a word about her" He said while grabbing her collar.

"What's happening?"

"Gosh are they fighting?"

"Well Mr, you're causing a scene now"

Soojin's right. They're not standing in a people-free area. Fuck, this is the path in front of the dorm entrance, people are looking.

"Whose fault is it huh? Yours. Always yours" His eyes are filled with anger and hatred as he muttered those words.

"True, but still, you're the one who caused this scene. If I were you I'd cover this up somehow before another word reaches your grandpa and got both of us killed"

He sighed, leaned in, and pecked her cheeks reluctantly, then turned and walked away. The students are ooh-and-ahhing after seeing the staged romantic view in front of them. It's no longer a secret that they are "dating", tho no one suspects a thing about it being forged instead of a real romance. They believe an obnoxious bitch and a spoiled brat are a good match anyway.

"Miss Soojin, all of your belongings are inside your dorm room" said one of her assistants.

"Alright, thanks for the help. You can go"

"Of course miss"

Soojin hates boarding school. Not because she has to be away from home, that is a huge advantage for her. Staying away from hell with approval from her parents can't be more beneficial to her. But having to share a bedroom with someone else is a whole new matter.

Room 202
Seokkyung Joo - Soojin Kang

Well that's an unfamiliar name. But
then again, every name is unfamiliar
to her. Soojin isn't exactly fond of
memorizing names.

She opens the door unwillingly while staring the floor. She's not in the mood to face a bitch at the moment.

"Ya, I'm taking the bed next to the win-"


Well, now she must face a bitch. Shit, the next academic year isn't gonna be kind, to either Soojin or Seokkyung.


Kyung is on fire. A meeting with Soojin will always end up with him on fire. No, not the fire of bravery or whatever that people use to symbolize something positive, but bad fire. A fucking arsonist's fire that does damage to everything it touches.

"Move. That's my bed" he says, after seeing someone on his bed holding a basketball.

"No it's not, I was here first. Your assistants came in a few minutes late"

"I said, move" he stared at him sharply.

"Are you deaf? I said it's not your bed" He stares back. Well this is clearly gonna get heated.

"Fucking move or I'll kill you"

"Go ahead then"

A few seconds later, their dorm is crowded by students witnessing the first fight of the academic year. The head boy is already blowing on his wisthle nonstop, but it's Baek Kyung we're talking about.

Soon, the housemaster and teachers are rushing in trying to separate them.


"AND YOU? WHAT'S YOUR NAME NEW BOY?" The housemaster shouted while pointing at the boy in the clutches of the PE teacher.

"It's Seojun sir. Han Seojun"

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