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It was the two of them. A blond dutch boy and a silky brown haired New Yorker. He was tying the dutch boy's magenta school tie. They were at a boarding school somewhere in Italy. They were prepping for a day of chaos. The New Yorker sent a warm smile to the Dutch boy, who returned with a smirk. They weren't over sixteen. They shook each other's, walking to the grand hall of their prestigious school. Entering the grand hall, the two smirked. They were the best of friends, they'd known each other for over nine years. A brunette passed them, she had green eyes and a surreal glow to her. Both the boys froze, she sent them a warm smile. The boys returned it, she walked off waving. The ceremony bells rang, the two walked to their classmates. They bowed, taking a seat. The New Yorker glanced back at her, the dutch boy hushed into his ear, "She's quite the looker Albert.''

Albert scoffed, "You can't get her man, you don't even know her name.''

"Not with that attitude Trotta,'' the ceremony began, the children carrying candles to the front of the church.

"Really Hawthrone,'' Albert cocked an eyebrow. Putting a finger to his mouth, he pointed to the stage. The show had just begun, the shit show of a feud. Legend has it that the rivalry never came to a halt.

Billy tied Joey's pale pink tie. A tear stained Joey's face. The two were in the backroom of the memorial place.

Joey glimpsed in his eyes, the two weren't taking Elio's death well. Billy nearly killed himself and Joey blacked out once he shuffled through Elio's box and book. Elio thought about him more than he could ever imagine.

They were freed a week ago, but it didn't mean anything without Elio. The terrorists were gone, but their presence could never be forgotten.

Billy wiped the tear under Joey's eye, "He wouldn't want us to cry over him.''

Billy let go of Joey's tie. Joey sighed, "I know but I never got to tell him.''

Billy had never seen his best friend like this, it was hard to digest. Joey face had never been dull before, it always a taste of colour to it. "He knows, Joey. I promise it wasn't your fault.''

"It was Billy,'' Joey's voice cracked, "If I didn't run out.''

"Elio was unstable, he knew he'd do anything for you and he accepted that with that smirk that set flames to your face,'' Billy sighed, a tear stained his pale cheek.

𝘽𝙀𝘼𝙐𝙏𝙄𝙁𝙐𝙇 𝘾𝙍𝙄𝙈𝙀 Joey TrottaWhere stories live. Discover now