Notes with love and fate. part 1

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Aizawa POV

After that beating, I felt a bit good but I felt like shit, maybe because of Izuku, he died and it wasn't really his fault, its just peer pressure, although I did remember that The note said that he made letters for everyone he loved. But I don't have any on me, I remembered that he also said that he might've placed it back home, usually he visits us when bitch might and Green Ass are well "Helping" someone, now that I know Izuku is dead or just confirmed that he will be, I wonder if he'll actually do it, since he is hiding yet again I saw blood so it's guaranteed to happen.

(King Crimson brought to you by Aizawa sleeping with his cat)

I then arrived home to check all the rooms, I was slowly losing hope until I saw 4 letters. 1 says my name, 1 says instructions, 1 says Hizashi's name and lastly, one that says the name SAKUYA. I decided to read the instructions first and well it surprised me. I also saw some map

Dear Aizawa/Yamada, I'm thankful that you read the instructions first so let's cut the crap and get on with this.

1. Only read the letter with your name on it.
2. Give Present mic/ Eraserhead his letter when he arrives
3. There might be a girl named Sakuya Izayoi, if I ever will not come back for let's say until U.A exams, give her this, oh and feel free to tell this to only Present mic/ Eraserhead.
4. If she comes back too early, don't hesitate to give her the letter.
5. Some info for Sakuya: She is my best friend and is the only one besides Izumi to help me during this troubling time called suicide thought but she then left because of important business. We then promised that we will remember each other, so give her this which proves that I still remember her. Her Quirk is called Chronokinesis which is time manipulation but with the cost of needing to throw a knife at someone. She is very nice to me and will be very nice to the people who supports me. Izumi doesn't know this since she wants to introduce herself properly to Izumi so with respect please don't tell Izumi about this. And lastly enjoy reading.

Then I nodded, hid the SAKUYA note and just picked up mine. She might be very powerful, but knives? That's an odd disadvantage, it isn't even a disadvantage. I opened the letter and saw this.

Dear Aizawa, thank you for being there when I needed you the most, I might be as crazy as Nezu but I still am young, but I'm sorry if my sudden death made you angry, I have my reasons why, anyways I just want to tell you that you mean so much to me, being a great uncle and friend at the same time, If I ever meet you again, celebrate because who knows when the 2 douchebags will arrive begging for forgiveness. If you want proof, Go to this place at 7:30 PM, make sure that you bring a light. Another thing is that I'll always like you and respect you dadzawa, because your more of a dad than my asshole of a father. See you one day.... With love, Izuku

This gave me a small tear, "dadzawa" that word gave me some emotion, oh I see that Present Mic is back here.

Aizawa:Here Mic.
Mic:What is it sho?
Aizawa:From Midorya.

Present mic POV

This is the note the little listener gave me, I wonder what he has written for me?, I opened the note and I'm blown away at what he wrote.

Dear Yamada, thank you for being that upbeat dude when everything is not really that great, you always manage to get to the positive side of things, even when its ridiculously hard, I see you trying to cheer me up, I feel like you and I have a great bond like aizawa, I hope I could repay you through giving you comfort via this letter. Follow Aizawa because soon later 7:30 PM there's gonna be something you need to see, and I told everyone through mail, thank you and I'll always be your little listener.... With love, Izuku.

This then made me cry, but thankfully Sho is here to comfort me.

Aizawa:look, we will fullfil his wishes one day, ok

Now to the Todoroki's.

Endeavor's POV

While Rei is scolding the kids especially Shoto and Shoka, I finally found the note and it's 2 notes, I know they are labeled.

Enji:Rei look what I found.

She then looked at me with a smile when she saw the notes.

Rei:Thank you Enji, but I'm still going to scold them for awhile.
Enji:Ok, Rei take your time.

I went to a room to read this and I'm shocked that even if me and Izuku didn't really interact, he still saw me as family.

Dear Mr.Todoroki or Enji Todoroki or Endeavor. It's a pleasure being with you, even if your the number 2 hero, your the number 1 father on some eyes including mine, even if we don't really interact, I still felt something deep in me which is saying that you did a great job. Hopefully The 2 off brand assholes of scorpion and sub zero will be disciplined. I still see you as family more than my mother and father ever would. Take care and I hope you and aunt rei will still have happiness. With love, Izuku. P.S meet aizawa at 7:30

Well, this is surprising, I wonder what Rei is doing?

(King Crimson brought to you by Enji sleeping while Rei is reading Izuku's letter)

Rei Todoroki POV

While the Kids are  sleeping a bit earlier today or rather taking a nap, this is the chance to read the letter, I opened it and tears immediately form from my eyes.

Dear Rei Todoroki or Ms Todoroki. Thank you for being a Mom to me, even more than my own, I'm sorry I did the thing but at this point torture is consuming me. I remembered calling you mom by accident, But little did I know now that it's actually true. If we ever meet again, please smile and let it all out, follow Enji at 7:30. With love Izuku.

This made me burst into tears, I can't believe he did it. Good thing Enji was here comforting me.

Enji:ahhh,it's ok sweetie. Just let it out.
Rei:*sobs* Ok, Enji thank you I needed that...

Next the Bakugo's

Masaru POV

While Mitsuki is disciplining the kids I found the 2 letters for us, normally I would like to give this to her but...

Katsuki:SHUT IT OLD HAG!!!
Mitsuki:SHUT UP, BOTH OF YOU!!!!

Yeah.... I'm not gonna interfere, I'm going to read my letter first. As much as disrespectful as it is, I don't want to make it worse. I opened my letter and well I'm stunned.

Dear Uncle Masaru or Masaru Bakugo, Thank you for being the calm one in the relationship between you and Mitsuki, I am scared that maybe my sudden death will trigger your family to an endless Argument, even though personally I like it. But I might cause trouble. Any way your a great dad, your calm and understanding, even when there's excessive shouting, you still want to solve this peacefully. Show Mitsuki my regards considering I'm dead, and please monitor your children especially Shitsuki Bakubitch. With love Izuku. 7:30 meet aizawa

Well that's one letter and I don't hear screaming anymore so maybe the problem is slowly being calmed down, time to give her the letter.

Mitsuki:Yes Masaru?
Masaru:I found the letters.
Mitsuki:Oh,thanks I need to calm down, maybe Izuku's letter will help.

Mitsuki POV.
Masaru then gave me the letter, I opened it and shed a tear, after that I cried seeing the compassion written in this letter.

Dear Aunt Mitsuki, I'm sorry for the sudden commotion I might have made when you could discover this note but thank you for being a great aunt, I really liked it when you kicked katsuki's ass literally, you feel like a great mother unlike you know who, I hope that fate will make us meet once again and we can all smile again except Shitsuki and Shitsumi. With love Izuku. And just check masaru's letter for information.

I then missed him alot, Masaru hugged me to comfort me and I liked the new nicknames he gave them, Shitsuki and Shitsumi. I'll use that when they go too far again.

To be continued....

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