U.A sports festival(Prologue)

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The sports festival is approaching but after all of you three wake up, Izuku begins to ask questions.

Izumi:Yes onii-chan
Izuku:Did they treat you badly.
Izuku:you don't need to lie.

Izumi:They are treating me fine but not as much as before, ever since you died they kept on crying, at first I understand but it's getting so annoying. Then I got One For All but All Might is my teacher, at first I dislike this but I'm forced to. Katsumi and Shoka are just crying and Shoto is regretting everything he did, but katsuki had a evil smile. Normally I would stop being friends with all of them but I still need friends and the fact that bakugo will kill everyone in the room, at first I thought of protecting them but it's four to one, then my  parents made a terrible move, Since they are drunk that day, they said that if I stopped being friends with them, your forced to be on a quirk marriage with one of them or your kicked out. At first I thought that since they're drunk it's just the beer making them say this but no, it's real.

Izuku:Still Motherfuckers then Motherfuckers now.
Izuku:Now you don't need to worry anymore since I'm going to make sure you stay here.


She cheerfully jumps up and down.

Sakuya:Guys let's go we're gonna be late.

I then used my overused trump card.

Izuku:I should really stop using that but whatever.

He then did everything from breakfast to bath, now he touched Izumi and gave her one time stop resisting collar but the collar disintegrates when it's used for 24 hours.

Izumi:Wait why is everything grey?
Izuku:This is the world.
Sakuya:Yeah everything is just like this.
Izumi:So this is the POV of a person which stops time
Izuku:Your right and go on and prepare yourself for school now.

She then went to do everything as well, time resumes and we are about to go but she saw her phone bombarded with notifications. Most of them are from obvious pigs that devote their life to end you.

You see Eri asleep and you don't want to ruin her nap so you called nezu to home school her.

All three of you ran and arrived on time mainly because Izuku and Sakuya kept on simultaneously stopping time.

You see the gang early. Jotaro is sitting down with his feet on the table while Ida is scolding him, Pucci is Praying while reading the bible, Puccina is gossiping with the 1-A girls, Cirno and Reimu are just talking to each other.

Aizawa then enters the room and class begins, and... You dozed off, but woke up immediately.

Izuku:*whisper* Sakuya....
Sakuya:*whisper* yes Izu?
Izuku:Should I hold back some more?
Sakuya:wait.... You're holding back the whole time?
Izuku:I don't want anyone except The twins to die.
Izuku:and I feel like I'm holding back even if I didn't want to.

Somewhere far away.
???:Man I came here to tell you all something, like a question.
???#2:what is it man?
???:should I just remove the restriction chains I implimented on Izuku?
???#2:do it on the Sports festival.
???: alright.
???:it's just that this is the first time, because even if I know he could resurrect the dead, he might go crazy.
???#2:why would he?
???:he can kill with one punch, not even using the world, and he might get bored and tired everytime he needs to resurrect.
Back to U.A

The school part of U.A sucks, like seriously I know all of this.

Izuku:hmm I feel a bit more powerful but I can't tell why.

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