USJ preparation part 2

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I woke up this time to be shadow Dio once again. I saw Eri Playing with her toys, I just greeted her and would kiss her in the cheek. I then opened the Ice cream from yesterday and fed her. Not too much and not too little. I then kissed her and asked Sakuya the same thing. I then used my tuxedo to make sure she thinks that I'm working again. She then falls for it and while walking I found a changing room, changed to shadow dio. I Dio then saved some people until I saw Miruko or aunt rumi, I remembered when me and aunt rumi would play basketball and she crushes me at it. She was doing a mission abroad when I did it. I saw her, then the fanboy inside me activates. Before going to her, I changed into one of my casual clothes and time to go and ask to tango.

Izuku:OMG, are you Miruko?
Rumi:Yes,what do you want?
Izuku:I want to duel against you.
Rumi:Oh, It's On!!!
We then went to an open field.


Both charged at each other. Normally Izuku would use The World but realized that she knows Shadow dio since she fought me before, I can only use my Vampirism, which sucks but gives me a challenge. We also did a bet before this. If I win she gives me an autograph and I picture her with me. If I lose I have to walk home naked with me vlogging.

She then kicks me while I used my feet to kick her on this side, then while both of us are falling, I got to use my hands and grabbed her on the hips to try and balance myself but she jumps and kicks me on the face, luckily I was blocking, I used my strength to swing her to the caves so I can unleash myself. She cant really see too well but thanks to the light she could at least see. I went 100% mode and froze her but she broke through my ice. Me and Aunt Rumi were exchanging kicks and punches.

Rumi:Well, this is the most fun I've ever had in some time.
Izuku:I won't disappoint you this time.

Both then went to use their super moves.
Rumi:Luna Ring!!!

We then both clashed, I was lucky to still be standing but I realized that it was a trap to lure me out

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We then both clashed, I was lucky to still be standing but I realized that it was a trap to lure me out. I immediately stopped and got my arm burned. I got her leg and swinged her back to the dark side of the cave and started to beat her up. Until she gives up, she gives up after 30 minutes. I saw her very hurt, so I healed her by blood donation. I pierced her with my nails and injected blood to heal her. I removed my hand and she's now in full condition. She thanked me and I got three things in return, An autograph,a picture with her and the fact that I will not walk back home with shame. But as I was walking right back home I remembered that I didn't really do too much shadow dio work so I must make sure that Eri is asleep. I went back home and greeted the two, I explained why I went back with casual clothes instead of my tuxedo, I show them my dirty tux thanks to asshole drivers, then Sakuya left. I also did the same thing with eri, this time I gave her healthy food and she likes it.
Told her to go to sleep since I have some "business" to deal with. I changed back into shadow dio again and well there are so many heroes this time, and the faces they have radiate with the words "I'm so fucking tired of this shit" so I propesed a deal with them. If I win I get to do anything a vigilante can do without the government busting my ass but if you win I'll reveal my identity. This is a risky bet, well that's what the Heroes think. All of them said yes and charged at me. I knocked them out with one punch and kicked aizawa in the jaw, I also threw knives at midnights legs. Backhanding endeavor, german suplexing Miruko. Headbutting hawks, this is probably what I hate the most since they are my aunts and uncles but no time to think about it now. And the only ones standing is All Might and Ectoplasm. Ectoplasm tried to summon alot of clones but

I then punched and kicked each clone of ectoplasm. Resumed time and All Might saw all of the clones unconscious. Izuku then immediately kills All Might with a barrage, but that's just the beginning while OH form is just flashing back and forth. Resurrected,Donuted, Resurrected, impaled by multiple knives, Resurrected, flesh buds commanded to kill himself, Resurrected, Chopped in half because of a road sign, Resurrected, Gets blood dried out thanks to absorption, Resurrected, Lasers aimed for the head, Resurrected, Broke his neck, Resurrected, was mauled down by dogs, Resurrected, was crushed by a road roller, Resurrected, Teleported to a high building making him fall and disabling his quirk, Resurrected, fed him shit covered with piss and shoved a gun up his mouth and shot him, Resurrected, Kicked barrage his balls with knives attached, Resurrected, was frozen and shattered to pieces. At this point they kept on going and going. Heroes tried to go in but

There was a menacing glare and feeling everytime someone tries to interfere, like it's saying that your next after him

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There was a menacing glare and feeling everytime someone tries to interfere, like it's saying that your next after him. Everyone just gathers information instead while All Might is certainly not reaching the truth. The worst thing about this, well for All Might anyway, is that he remembers every death he has, they kept on going until it's 4 in the morning. Izuku vanished and drank blood on the way so that he just needs a few hours of sleep. All Might is alive but is mentally scared forever. Someone was apparently recording this as a video and Is scared to think, is he a hero or a villain, it went viral and everyone has the debate wether Shadow Dio is a hero with a ridiculous grudge against All Might that results in him torturing him or a Villain looking for the right time to betray everyone he has shown love. Izuku thought to himself,

"the next time I meet this man as shadow dio is the time I'm going full old testament on his ass."

He also thinks about doing the same thing with some of his so called friends , he has a plan to do all four of them, placed flesh buds and did the command, this obviously delayed USJ for a bit but was discovered that they are resurrected. Confusing everyone except the heroes. Now it's USJ time, readying everything, saying goodbye to Eri while I fed her some healthy noodle soup. And well it's time to meet Shitsuki,Shitsumi,Fucko and,Fucka.

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