Notes with love and fate. Part 2

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Midnight POV

I don't really know about what to do now. I mean I also don't know what to feel. Satisfied that I gave him the pain he deserves, angry that my nephew's gone, sad that he actually is dead, wait.... THE LETTER!, I will try to find it.


As she tried to find the letter all over her house, Nemuri finally saw the letter, opened it and cried after seeing the emotion put into this.

Dear Aunt Nemuri or Ms Midnight. I'm genuinely sorry for the life that I have ended, I really looked up to you when my bitch of a mother is neglecting me as usual, Obviously I don't want you to feel sad, so please look at this and smile, It's ok to believe me dead or not, but please don't cry over my loss for a long time, even if your an R-rated hero, Your personality to be a mother is S-rated. Love Izuku, 7:30 call Aizawa.

Then Nemuri just cried with happiness and sadness in the same time, wondering what will happen at 7:30.

Nezu POV

I think I went easy on them, all the heroes found their letters and messaged me about hidden messages or something like that, anyway I still haven't read my letter due to the sheer fact that it might be his last words and he is like a son to me, if it is his last words, I'm allowing everyone to attack All Might but not kill him. well here goes nothing.

Dear Uncle Nezu or Chimera Nezu or King Rat God, I hope that my sudden suicide attempt worked at exposing them

This shocked me, he did this to expose them.

Everyone tried to calm me down but they tried to restrict me from telling you, because of fear that their careers will end but if you saw this, it means my plan worked.

He really planned to Commit Suicide,Locked the door to make sure Izumi won't notice, Time it for his birthday where most of us would be attending since he's like family, and sealed the deal with making notes, this kid made a whole conspiracy theory for us to uncover.

Anyway, I would call you dad more than anyone especially Dick Might which funny enough has a small one. With love Izuku, P.S meet aizawa at 7:30.

Well 7:30 is where we will solve the mystery of Izuku being Dead or Alive, I just have to hope for the best.

(King Crimson brought to you by all of Izuku's aunts, uncles and his sister following aizawa)


Then everyone saw so much fog in a nearby skyscraper, and the fog uncovered, seeing Izuku's body, with a decapitated head, the floor had blood and now it's confirmed that he actually did it, alot of them cried, some are extremely pissed at the Yagi's since they technically caused this. They then found the head. They checked his clothes and found a picture of all his aunts and uncles that cared for him. This made the emotions more stronger. They then decided to bury the body with a green suit, they decided after this to beat up All Might again to soothe their wrath against him. Another thing that happened is that All Might is slowly losing One For All and Katsuki lost it immediately making him rage but is interrupted with Mitsuki Headbutting him making him unconscious.

Mitsuki:People are sleeping, Shitsuki.

They then went back home and everything is falling apart.
All Might is getting weaker.
Green Mind wave (My own name for Hero Inko) is barely doing hero work at all.
Nezu got a bit more crazy.
Aizawa got more tired.
Present Mic's energy isn't really doing that great.
Midnight's sadistic side is not as sadistic as before.
Izumi is in depression.
Katsuki and Katsumi is grounded forever until Izuku comes back.
Mitsuki is having trouble dealing with this as Masaru is trying to comfort her.
Enji and Rei got even more strict in teaching and scolding their own children while shoto and Shoka is in deep regret.
Gran torino is gone for some time.
Recovery Girl is sad that Izu actually did it.
The U.A teachers are not really to cheerful anymore.

Aizawa then decided to call Sakuya because apparently there was a phone number at the back. After a long talk They hanged up, Aizawa felt sorry but little did he know that Sakuya thought that he faked his own death, she also blushed that he remembers her, all those years.

And well what everyone doesn't know is that ??? And Izuku is training on how to use THE WORLD, Vampirism and his other quirks.

???: Izuku, I also have to tell you something.
???:THE WORLD is a stand.
Izuku:What's a stand?
???:A stand is like the manifestation of your fighting soul or something like that, when your falling, you thought about someone you wanted to protect which made the DIO arrow glow meaning that the arrow has finally chosen his successor and arrows glow when they found their own successor. Before you actually died I chained your soul to this realm. The arrow then is glowing in a rapid rate and well that's why I stabbed you with it.
Izuku:I'm honored but what's the difference between the DIO arrow and another glowing arrow.
???:each arrow has a different stand ability in them. Like if I see the GIORNO arrow glow, you would have a different stand, and your very lucky that the dio arrow chose you. Because it rarely glows. Some arrows give you more than just Stands, like your Vampirism. The JOSEPH arrow could be another example with hermit purple and Hamon. But anyway let's get to training.
Izuku then wonders about how worthy he is to finally get the power he wanted but then was interrupted.
???:Oh and you can't say that the world is a stand since this will create defects into your world making me forced to kill it.
Izuku then nodded meaning he is ready for the hell he's gonna be going through.

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