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Ayanokoji POV

I was called to see the chairman.

I don't believe doing anything that would require to see the chairman.

I went inside and saw Mr.Sakayanagi sitting in his chair.

"Please sit, don't worry I don't plan on keeping you long"

I did as he said, and sat down on the chair, making a gesture for him to get to the point.

"You see Ayanokoji, I'm being forced to leave.. It's only temporary, but I have reason to believe that the new Acting Director and your father are in cahoots."

That surprised me, I didn't think Mr.Sakayanagi could be replaced. "And.. Why are you telling me this?"

"The Acting Director will put more measures in order to expel you. He will have power over other students as well as the special exams. He is supposed to step in during the next school year. You wish to live an ordinary life correct?"

I see that would make things more difficult. It would probably force me to act in the open, destroying the peaceful life I worked so hard for. The next school year will be next week."Yes that is my wish."

"I did a lot of searching, and found that your fathers influence doesn't reach a few places. One of which is somewhere where my influence isn't known to the public. I'm thinking of sending you to a school there, one that would certainly be normal."

"There's nowhere for me to stay if I did that though.." I replied.

"I have an apartment near a school, that I use whenever I have business in the area. There's no downside to you staying there as I would be paying for it either way."

It seems he knew I was going to say something, and shut me down with the last part.

He continued, "I would consider it. As I see it you have two options: Stay here and be targeted by the Acting Director and whoever he can 'persuade' and risk an early expulsion, or take up my offer and hide at another school with a higher probability of making it through high school with the added bonus of your father, if he hasn't found out by then, not knowing where you are after."

There are pros and cons of both options. The former, I am 100% certain that he can't reach me. This is the reason I chose this school. But if what he said is correct and the new Acting Director is targeting me that would probably put me at a much higher risk of being expelled. Even if he can't expel me without cause, it would put him in a power of influence, he could make people such as the other years go after me, teachers, even those within the same class. I'm confident I could fight back and win, but doing so would greatly put me at risk of exposing myself letting everyone in my class know that I've been holding back, saying goodbye to my peaceful life.

With the Latter option I get rid of these protective walls, only having someone's word that I'll be safe. Even if what he says is true, If that man were to find me, whos to say if his influence can't overpower Mr.Sakayanagi. However, Japan is relatively big with over 4.8 thousand high schools. It should take him a while to search through all of them, especially when their outside of his territory. The school there should also be more normal, I realized after the fact, but this school is by no means normal. I'm aware that I've had to resort to "unsavory" means, so if I had a chance to truly witness merit and equality in it's truest form, it would probably be worth it even if I were to be forced a little earlier.

"I'll take you up on your offer, but how are you going to explain my leave to the school?"

"I'll say you dropped out of your own volition, or if you want I can say family matters since that's not technically a lie. It will have no affect to your class points. We leave in 4 days, you can say your farewells during that time. When you get to school, your going to be about a week late."

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