New Club

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Ayanokoji POV

I messed up again. I figured since I had experience it would be different, but I guess not. I have more respect for transfer students, it's hard to do a one sided introduction. I thought about copying Hirata's intro, but I figured if I did that with my tone of voice it would come off as creepy. If I joked like Ike, would everyone hate me as well? So I went with the only thing I knew, well, I guess I was able to make friends with it, so maybe it wasn't that bad... But then again, the teacher and some other students were laughing, so maybe I messed up..

It seems everything being taught, we learned in ANHS, even though it's the next school year. Classes soon ended, without anyone talking to me. I was about to leave but Hiratsuka-sensei called out to me, "Ayanokoji, stay here I have to talk with you."

Soon the classroom was empty, and she walked up to me.

"Follow me."


"Where are you taking me?" I asked

"You'll find out." She avoided my question. It's to soon for that man to have found me, so It's probably something school related. She either wants to talk about my self-introduction or show me around the school. She shouldn't need to worry about my studies, as I came from ANHS. I had no reason to refuse so I followed her. We stopped outside a nameless room, and she slid the door open. This is probably a club room, as it's in the back of the school... Shouldn't you knock?

When the door opened I was greeted to a long table, with 3 people occupying it. 2 were reading, the other was playing on her phone. 2 of these people I recognized as they were in my classroom, the only persons name I know is Hikigaya, as I had to sit behind him.

The first person to speak up was a the girl reading a book, "Ms.Hiratsuka, I tell you every time, please knock before you enter the classroom." She looked more mature than Horikita, but her tone of voice sounded familiar. Does she also serve out pain with a chop or compass.. You have my sympathy Hikigaya.

"But if I knock, that gives you time to stop your misdoings"

"..." She then looked at me. "You brought another one?"

"Ah right! I want you to show him around the school. Also he's joining your club."

"Um... You didn't say anything about me joining a club." I said. Why do I get with these troublesome teachers.

"Ms.Hiratsuka, you can't keep forcing students to join clubs.."

"Yeah! It's abuse of power" Hikigaya added on.

"I'm teaching you about the real world" Hiratsuka replied, "and he needs help".

Help? I don't need help.

"What's his problem. I'm assuming he's the transfer student, from his reaction he didn't go to you for help" It seems she has good reasoning.

"I was told by the principal that he is, what did he say?.. 'Defective' and needs to be fixed"

Just what did Mr.Sakayanagi say about me?! Everyone had a surprised look on their face, probably because of the word defective.

Then the girl who was on her phone spoke up, "Uh, isn't calling someone 'defective' a little too harsh?"

"All I was told was that he dropped out of Advanced Nurturing High School due to personal reasons, and is the equivalent to a zombie. You will fix his problem."

The black haired girl talked again, "He's from ANHS!?"

That's what you're surprised about? Not about her calling me a zombie? Also isn't that a bit much?

"That's what you respond to?! He was just demoted from human to zombie!" Thanks Hikigaya, at you know.

"So? You're just the same as a bug or a dead fish, if you ask me I think being a zombie is higher." It doesn't appear the black haired girl and Hikigaya get along. Wait, is this how mine and Horikita's relationship looked like to outsiders?.. No, they always asked if we were dating, I can't see these to being asked that question.

"Good, that means it should be easier to fix Ayanokoji than it should Hikigaya. Also, another person being in the battle is a good thing. Now if you form teams, there's a chance it will even out."

"What do you mean by battle?" I thought this school would be better since I didn't have to fight against other people.

Then Hiratsuka-sensei answered my question, "Everyone here is competing against each other, the winner gets to order the loser to do any one thing you want. You get points by helping other peoples problems."

"I don't really have a problem though.."

"Oh, I beg to differ. How would you describe yourself?" She asked me a very vague question.


"I looked at your entrance exams, and you scored 50 in every single subject" Everyone stared at me with wide eyes, "Furthermore, I got your entrance exam results for ANHS, in which you also got 50 in all subjects. Is that normal?" It seems she even got my ANHS grades..

"Coincidences can be freaky"

"Isn't that a low score? How'd you get accepted into this school" The phone girl said something I didn't expect.

"Low? If it's out of 100, isn't 50 average?" I was curious why she would say my scores were low. I knew in ANHS they were considered low scores, but that was a higher rated school.

"I think average is around 65.." Oh.. I didn't know that. (This is what Wikipedia told me...)

"See? Like I said, he isn't normal. I have to go, Yukinoshita please help him." She left the classroom, closing the door, leaving me alone.

"..." Everyone just sat there staring at me.

"Can I sit down?" I figured it would be better to follow what the teacher says. Even though I know she probably can't expel me for not joining a club, it's safer to play along. I was also interested in doing clubs, I didn't at ANHS, so I suppose this isn't that bad.

The first to talk was the one who was on her phone, "Nice to meet you Ayanokoji, my name is Yui Yuigahama." Phone girls name is Yuigahama..


"Ah, my name is Hachiman Hikigaya... Nice to meet you."

"Sigh.. My name is Yukino Yukinoshita. Do you really claim your scores are a coincidence?"

"A coincidence is a coincidence, what do I have to gain by getting 50?"

"I don't know, but to call it a coincidence is ridiculous. Welcome to the service club, I don't know what your problem is but I'll be sure to fix it."

"... Thank you. Can I assume that everyone is here because they also have a problem?"

When I said that, I saw everyone flinch. Looks like I'm right.

"No" Everyone said in unison.

"Wait, why would you say you don't have a problem, didn't Ms.Hiratsuka come here with you because of your problem?" Yukinoshita said to Hikigaya.

"And I believe I said that it wasn't a problem, and what do you mean 'no'? You have a problem too!"

"P-please calm down.." It appears that Yuigahama is the mediator between these two.

1207 words..

this is hard

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