Throwing The Bone

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Hikigaya POV

The purpose of the service club is to listen to any requests students have and then help them with their problems. I keep forgetting that, everyone just reads, and Yuigahama plays with her phone. That and we never get requests, we got one from Yuigahama, and Ayanokoji. Though Ayanokoji's request is weird. Just like me, he was "forced" into the club saying he was defective. But what the hell does that mean?! How are we supposed to solve a problem without knowing what the problem is? He definitely isn't normal, as far as I can recall he hasn't ever changed his expression, nor tone of voice. As well as getting 50 in all subjects, suggesting he is the smartest person here, he could however, have gotten those scores only answering the ones he knows until he hits 50%, not necessarily knowing every answer. Though the thing that confuses me the most is the fact that the principle knows about him to some degree, yet he acts normal.


I'm getting sidetracked... Since this is a club that deals with peoples problems, this must mean that Zaimokuza is here for that purpose.

"You may say that, but doesn't this friend of yours have business with you?"

"..." Ayanokoji's words almost brought me to tears. The word friend hadn't sounded so sad since middle school. Not since Kaori told me, You're nice, and I like you, but I don't know anything about dating... Yeah, let's be friends. Ayanokoji also knows the loner life, this must be payback, I understand Ayanokoji I'll back down... for now.

"Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha, I nearly forgot! Incidentally, Hachiman, is this the place of meeting for the Service Club?" Zaimokuza back in character, looked at me while belting out an odd guffaw. What the hell was that laugh, that was my first time hearing it.

"Yes, this is the Service Club," Yukinoshita replied in my place.

Zaimokuza glanced at her and in an instant looked back at me.

"I-is that so? If it is the sage Hiratsuka advised me, then, Hachiman, you are obligated to grant my wish, are you not? To think that we would yet be master and servant after all these centuries... Is this the guidance of the great Bodhisattva Hachiman?"

"The Service Club will not necessarily grant your wishes. We can only help you achieve your goals yourself," Yukinoshita droned out the same thing she said in Yuigahama's case.

"Heh. Mm-hmm... Then lend your aid to me, Hachiman. Heh-heh-heh... This reminds me of how we once attempted, as comrades in arms, to seize hold of the land."

"What does that mean, are you talking about gym again?" Yuigahama questioned.

Zaimokuza made some contrived throat-clearing noises in an attempt to cover up his inconsistency and regarded me as he had before. "My apologies. It appears that in this era, the hearts of men are corrupted, compared to the days of yore. I miss the purity of the Muromachi era... Don't you, Hachiman?"

"No! Go die.""

"Heh-heh-heh. I do not fear death. On the other side, I would merely take the kingdom of heaven for mine own." Zaimokuza raised his hands up high, as his coat fluttered.

The word 'die' didn't seem to bother him that much.

Though I guess when you're used to getting insulted and abused, you just get good at striking back, or rather compartmentalizing it. What a sad skill, I want to cry again.

"Whoa.." Yuigahama reacted while cringing, going somewhat pale.

Yukinoshita pulled me off to the side, where Ayanokoji was.

"What is that 'Blademaster General' stuff?"

One word was enough to explain, "That's eighth-grade syndrome. Also known as M-2 syndrome."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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