End of the Day

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Ayanokoji POV

I was given a tour of the school. It was square like in shape with each side connected by a 2nd floor walkway. My new clubroom was located in what's labeled as the "special building" consisting of mostly club rooms. It was by no means anywhere close to ANHS, a school supported by the Japanese government, but all things considered this was still a pretty nice school.

When we got back to the clubroom, Yukinoshita immediately got to work. "Since I can't fix you without knowing why you're called 'defective', that's my first goal" she continued "Tell me about yourself."

Again with this question, "Normal" I answered.

"I don't care how normal you think your life was, tell me"

Seems she won't accept that answer, "Nothing important happened in my life, though. It was so incredibly mundane and uneventful I won't know what to talk about.."

"Nope, you're hiding something. No one has that blank of a life." This time was Hikigaya who spoke. I thought you understood me.. I've lost all respect for you now.

"... My parents are normal, nothing notable happened during elementary or middle school.. I did tea ceremony, calligraphy, and I won a national piano competition in elementary.. And I was a loner."

"I see.. A loner. So your and Hikigaya's problem are one of the same." When Yukinoshita said that, it seemed to irk Hikigaya.

"What do you mean I have a problem?! Like I said, I choose to be a loner, youth is evil."

"Yeah Yukinon, Ayanon isn't like Hiki." Yukinon? Hiki? Ayanon? Are you related to Haruka?

"You're right. Nothing could be compared to that Hiki-germ"

Hikigaya looked at me.. It looks like he wants help, sorry but I haven't forgot your previous comment, you're on your own.

"I don't think being a loner is a good or bad thing, but I don't want to be alone."

"That just puts me back to square one. Your alone but you also know how socialize pretty well... Can you tell me about your school life then?"

"Nothing much.. I cant go into specifics as all of us signed a NDA.. It was competitive, is all I'll say."

Yukinoshita sat in her chair contemplating.. It looks like she's taking this seriously. Does she want to win the competition that badly?

"Its time I head home, bye" Hikigaya said that as he left. Yuigahama followed suit saying her goodbyes and left.

"I will think about your problem overnight.."

"You really don't have to go that far, as I've said, I don't have a problem."

"In either case Ms.Hiratsuka believes you do, so I at least have to find a way to make her think I helped you.. See you tomorrow"

I responded back the same, and she left.  I stopped by at the library picked up a book and headed towards Mr.Sakayanagi's apartment.

I must have arrived at the train platform just in time, people were getting in and out, I jogged at little to make sure I would make it. When I got on I noticed familiar looking black hair, upon closer inspection it was indeed Yukinoshita.

She didn't notice me, nor did I go up to talk with her. It would be awkward after already saying goodbye to each other.

She just looked on her phone for the whole ride, I started reading my book since I don't have a phone. On the third stop I got up, and coincidentally Yukinoshita did too. I had to slow my pace down, If I passed her she might ask why I didn't greet her.

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