Untitled Part 5

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    One thing Helmut Zemo knew to be true— never trust something you can't or didn't see with your own eyes

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    One thing Helmut Zemo knew to be true— never trust something you can't or didn't see with your own eyes.

Yes, he'd stomped the last of the serum into the ground, but as always the lengths men will go to in the pursuit of power should never be ignored.

While he hated the Avengers and would never work directly with them, keeping his two —friends— on retainer had been paying off. It was true that he and his enemies wanted the same things, they just had different ways of going about it. All he really had to do was stay a few steps ahead James Barnes and the Wakandan's joint efforts to catch him and continue intercepting their intel.

This latest lead being what brought he and Christine to Vienna, and a man named Pavlo.

Of course trailing someone with ties to the last of the serum was easy. But next time, Zemo thought perhaps he should ask Christine to wear something a little less attention grabbing.

All eyes were on her as they walked through the doors and while it did little to help them stay under the radar, being here with a woman who could quite literally stop people in their tracks did make the Baron proud. He couldn't remember the last time he'd stopped thinking about vengeance and plots long enough to appreciate the feel of showing off just for the hell of it.

With her skin that glowed like the deepest sunset in contrast to her dark hair, and eyes that captured light like the facets of a black diamond, he could not blame them.

As she took a sip of her champagne, he noticed how the silken hair at the nape of her neck curled against her skin in little waves. His fingers twitched with the need to stroke her soft skin... but not here.

Zemo cleared his throat and looked ahead at the people all gone back to their milling about before the start of the show.

"Are you all right?" She asked casually.

He smiled and nodded. "Just a bit distracted."

She shrugged this off and suggested they continue on.

Always thankful for a clear headed woman when his was a little foggy, the Baron laid her hand in the bend of his elbow and led the way upstairs to their private box.

"Right this way sir" The usher said with a smile once they were upstairs and pushed the door open.

They were purposely sat next to their target, just a box over. From the seat nearest the low rail, Christine could easily pretend to watch the production while really keeping an eye on the nameless man. She had a picture and that was all she needed as agreed.

The Baron was sitting behind her making small talk with the older couple sharing the box while Christine sat mesmerized by the details of the stage.

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