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Nico's POV

He woke with a weight on his chest he didn't open his eyes. He didn't want to, there was no point for all he would see was the world that had brought him so much pain. But he felt someone in the room he felt the pain in their soul. He opened one eye just enough to see who it was. Will was sitting a chair by the bed his head rested on Nico's chest. Soft snores escaped his mouth as his hair drooped in front of his eyes. He still seemed to smile in his sleep. Nico pretended to be asleep but the change in the rise and fall of his breathing must have woken Will. He sat up abruptly wiping the drool off his chin as he realized where he was he looked around embarrassed. He noticed that Nico was awake and proceeded to slap him. This took Nico by surprise he jolted upright "and what in hades name was that for" Nico stared at Will accusingly. "that, death boy" Nico opened his mouth to protest but found Will was still speaking "was for not waking me up when you did" the son of Apollo laughed. "but you look so cute when you sleep" Realizing what he said Nico's ears went bright red he went to hide his face in his hands just to find Will's lips pressed against his. This was when two things happened. The first, Nico and Will silently conversed with their eyes that they would forever be together. The second, Percy could be seen through the window falling out their hiding spot in the tree by the window whilst Jason floated calmly down to the floor and camera in his hands. Nico's eyes widened the boys had... they had... a photo of Nico KISSING WILL. 

Nico raised a hand in protest, but Will ignored him. With a flick of the wrist an army of skeletons could be seen through the window, wrestling with Jason and Percy for the camera. After they had successfully retrieved it the camera appeared in Nico's lap. While the boys got a workout running from the army who had found a new interest in chasing the boys. Nico finally pulled away from Will as they gasped from breath and Will noticed the camera. Picking it up he found an entire hard drive attached filled with photos of him and Nico over the past two days.

After Nico had left the infirmary later that day the two boys ventured onto the streets of New York to get the photos developed. Luckily the had little trouble with monsters. As Nico just shadow travelled away each time one appeared just to listen to Wills protesting for the rest of the walk. They held hands soon after leaving the camp. They had chosen their favorites from the gallery of photos to have printed. After they had lunch, the photos were stowed safely in the bag Nico had bought after having left his last one somewhere in Rome on the previous quest.

When they returned Nico remembered the army chasing Percy and Jason. They were easy to find as Annabeth was nearby laughing in tears on the ground as Percy hid in the lake and Jason hovered above the water. A crowd had gathered at the shore as the sons of the big three looked helpless. Nico laughed as Jason begged for him to stop. As Nico flicked his wrist once more the skeletons crumbed back into the ground.  The crowd let out a collecting "Awww" of disappointment as they begun to disperse. Nico looked disinterested as Jason and Percy begun to beg for their hard drive back. Nico merely sighed before handing back the blank hard drive Jason and Percy looked suspicious but excepted it unaware of its lack of content. The two boys ran off giggling and screaming something about a canon. 

Confused as to why the boys needed a canon Nico turned back to Will who looked mad about something. Before he could ask what was wrong Will dove into another lecture. "NICO DI ANGELO YOU ARE SUPPOST TO BE RESTING" Will shook his head "if you don't stop using your underworld Voodoo I will be forced to send you for more time in the infirmary" Will didn't seem too mad about the last part though as his eyes sparkled at the idea of a quite room for just the two of them. 

Will went to keep on with his lecture but Nico was hit with a wave of tiredness. As Nico begun to sway on his feet Will caught him as he fell. Scooping up the protesting son of hades, Will carried him fireman style back to the hades cabin. By the time Will arrived Nico was already snoring in his arms. Will's warmth made it easy to sleep when your colder than ice around 90% of the time.

(820 words)

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