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Nico was too light, I noticed this when I scooped him up. I'm going to have to do something about that. In fact, I don't think I have seen him eat all day. I placed Nico into his coffin shaped bunk bed the frame creaked with what little weight it had to hold. I sat there for a few minutes on the opposite bunk as Nico continued to snore softly. His face looked so relaxed when he slept his permanent scowl almost disappeared. But I had been away from the infirmary for too long and there was bound to be more campers there since when I left. Will walked back to the infirmary knowing Nico just needed sleep. He got lost in his work until Nico appeared at the door. He looked paler than normal and still very tired. Will offered him a bed in the front room as Nico sat down, he fell asleep again. At least I can keep an eye on him here. Nico slept the whole afternoon. Yet, he woke Intime for a late dinner. He went to stand managing only a few seconds before falling, Will caught him of course. As will laid Nico on the bed shooting him concerned glanced Nico complained something stupid legs. As the son of hades sat on the bed playing with his sword, Will went to get them both some dinner. Nico had hardly eaten anything since the war ended. When he returned Nico went paler at the sight of the food. Will had a plate for him in his hand and a plate for Nico in his other. As Will began to eat he lifted an eyebrow as Nico merely picked at his food. Will sighed placing down his fork the pasta still twirled around the end of it. "you know as your doctor, I need to make sure your eating or I will have to keep you here" Nico grumbled something about him not being a real doctor. As Will went to take another bite of his pasta he noticed Nico still not eating. Pushing his plate to side he picked up the protesting son of hades fork and shoved it into Nico's mouth. He frowned but ate all of it. As the two boys finished eating, Nico went to make his way back to his cabin but as soon as he stood, he felt queasy. The world seemed to tilt for a second before Nico stumbled his was to the bathrooms and watched his dinner make a reappearance. Nico groaned as he hugged the toilet. He felt a hand rub circles on his back and looked up to find a very worried child of apollo looking down at him. "you know this means I have to keep you here" Will sighed as Nico went back to being sick. Feeling bad for making Nico eat the child of apollo was worried, Nico never seemed to get help when he needed it most. He came back with a sick bag and took Nico to a new room with a bathroom attached. He laid Nico down in the bed as the weak boy was already asleep in Wills arms.

For the next few hours while will worked in a room nearby he heard Nico getting up and running to the bathroom. Each time Will found him hugging the toilet and barely awake. This stopped after a while and Will went back to work. He looked through books about how he could help Nico, but the results weren't very helpful. He finally decided to go to bed at 10 as he knew the sun would wake him in the morning.

Apollo always seemed to find it funny to wake the entire Apollo cabin each morning by playing really loud rock music he had written the day before on a channel only the Apollo kids could hear something called Rise and Shine FM. That and just before dawn was when Will glowed his brightest, the little kids like their walking nightlight as they fell asleep but soon all the kids groaned as Will shone in the hours before dawn. Often, he would wake under a pile of his siblings' pillows as they threw them in an attempt to block out his annoying glow to get more sleep.

After waking to find himself suffocating, Will went to check on Nico. As he walked into the infirmary and found the son of hades still sleeping in his room, which was now a mess with his blankets on the floor and pillow in the doorway. Nico was tossing and turning in his sleep as Will walked over. The pale boy begun to scream as Will shook him awake. His eyes still glazed with sleep, Nico muttered words of thanks before falling asleep again. He was exhausted and very underweight. Will knew he had much work to do as he walked back to his office.

(820 words)

sorry for the bad writing this is my first fan fic.

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