I'll Never Know

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Aniston crawled in to the big king size bed, allowing the weight of the light gray comforter to console her. She pulled one of his pillows over to her side of the bed to drown out the floral scent of another woman's shampoo. The picture on the white washed bed side table reminder enough that that woman inhabited every part of this house when she decided to stay here. Aniston didn't dislike Amber per say, but she wouldn't count her as a friend either. 

The door creaked open a few minutes later, bringing in a strong, solid body. Brantley discarded his UGA baseball cap on the chair next to the door before throwing the comforter back to climb in. He moved his body to mold around Aniston's, pulling her small frame back against him. A warm arm draped across her stomach. Aniston inhaled sharply as is beard tickled the back of her neck. 

"Goodnight, Annie girl. Get some rest." Brantley replied as he settled in to his pile of pillows. 

"Goodnight, B. Love you." She barely got the words out before her eyes closed and she was met by the gentle snoring behind her. 

Aniston turned her body to face the bed side table. The bright white numbers of the clock glaring back at her. It was 2am and she felt as though she hadn't even slept a wink. She pushed back the covers and quietly walked out of the room and down the stairs, trying not to disturb the sleeping bear beside her. She flicked on the kitchen light, rummaging through the fridge for a bottle of water or seltzer or something to quench her thirst. 

"Couldn't sleep?" A voice came from the doorway, causing her head to shoot up. 

"My goodness, you almost gave a girl a heart attack." Aniston replied, placing her hand to her chest. "What are you doing here so early, Kolbs?" 

"I couldn't sleep either so I decided to come over and hang out in the dawg house for awhile and shoot some pool." He shrugged his shoulders. His tall frame coming around the kitchen island to give her a hug. He stopped mid way though as he noticed her face. 

"Did Jake do that?" Kolby's large hand resting at her busted lip, his thumb rubbing back and forth. 

Aniston looked away, nodding her head. She took a seat on one of the bar stools, cracking open the can of lemon lime seltzer water. The bubbles tickling her nose at the first sip. 

"You need to leave that punk ass." 

"Easier said than done." She scoffed, playing with the silver tab on the can.

"Annie, you know you can always stay with me. Or here with Brantley. Heck, even Mama would take you in." Kolby's words eased a little as he looked at her embarrassed expression. He knew what she said was true. It was easier said than done. But he couldn't understand why anyone would stay. And he might never know. 

"I can't stay here. Amber would have a cow if I moved in." Aniston rolled her honeyed hue eyes. 

"I would pay to see that." Kolby chuckled. A few moments of silence passed through them as they sat comfortably in the low glow of the kitchen. Kolby looked over at Aniston, examining her features. Why Brantley ever let his feelings toward her be overshadowed by the need for Amber he would never understand. But he knew one thing for certain, Jake was going to get his ass beat the next time he crossed his path. There was no doubt about that. 

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