Take Me Home

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Kolby put his old truck in park, the headlights facing down toward the field. The glow of the fire dancing through the trees. Aniston looked around, taking inventory of the vehicles that surrounded the house. She had high hopes that Amber might have headed back to her mama's house where she stays when she isn't with Brantley. But her heart sank when she saw that Amber's black Ford was parked in the spot that she would occupy. 

"You coming, small fry?" Kolby called over the top of the truck. 

"Yeah." Aniston gathered her thoughts as the two of them walked carefully down the slope of the yard to the opening between the large pines. Aniston's favorite Willow tree in the corner, weeping over the grass. It looked as she had felt, sad yet strong. 

A giggle cut through the sound of the peepers, going straight to her heart. She looked up to see Amber sitting on Brantley's lap in an Adirondack chair as they were enthralled in a conversation with Amber's brother Greyson. Aniston slowed down, stopping across the circle from them. Brantley peered around Amber's body to acknowledge the presence of some new company. He looked at her quickly, doing a double take. His green eyes glittering in the orange flames. He looked over her body, taking in the site of her legs in the cut off jeans and boots she was wearing. Her long beige cardigan hiding her upper body from him. 

"Hey," Aniston said, offering up a small wave and laugh. Greyson turned in her direction, smiling back. Amber's lips curled up, her eyebrows furrowing at the thought of Aniston showing up. But she kept her wits about her and said hello. Brantley swallowed, patting Amber on her bottom to get her to stand up. She did so reluctantly, sitting back down in the big empty chair. Brantley walked over, fist bumping Kolby. 

"Beer's in the cooler over by my chair. Water too." Brantley said, pointing his thumb over his shoulder. Kolby took this as his cue to go get one for himself, but not before whispering something to Brantley. Aniston blushed as Brantley gave her the once over, trying not to be obvious. He groaned, clearing his throat. "You can go up to the house and borrow some sweats if you get cold."

"I'm good. I actually shouldn't stay long. Jake is supposed to come home after his emergency at work. He would freak if I wasn't back from the bar by then." Aniston chided. 

"Oh. Well Amber's not staying tonight. I was going to ask if you wanted to. Guess I will sleep in that big bed all alone." He replied, trying to get her to change her mind. 

"Sorry, Jack. Not tonight." Aniston shook her head, giggling. "And besides, Amber already looks like her eyes are going to fall out of her head. I couldn't imagine what she would do if she heard you asking me to stay." 

Brantley growled, cursing her under his breath. "Fine. But hey, there was something I had wanted to talk to you about. Come up to the house with me for a second?" 

"Oh, sure." Aniston agreed, walking side by side with Brantley as they made their way up the curve of the hill. The wind blew, sending a chill up Aniston's spine. She shivered slightly, causing Brantley to raise an eyebrow at her. They reached the garage and walked through the door to the laundry room. Brantley continued in to the kitchen, turning to face Aniston. His expression scared her a little. 

He pulled his black baseball cap off his head, replacing it backwards. His green eyes darting around the room before landing on hers. She looked at him, urging him to tell her whatever it was that he needed to say. He took a deep breath, placing his large, rough hands on the cool marble of the island. "I am going to propose to Amber." 

Aniston furrowed her brows, trying to decide whether she had heard him correctly or not. "You're what?" She asked, clarifying. 

"I picked up the ring this afternoon, after you left." 

All of a sudden, Aniston got a hot flash. She felt the need to strip herself of her cardigan and wasn't even sure if that would help. She waited a second before speaking up. "Well then. Good thing I am not staying the night then huh?" She laughed, almost hysterically. "I think it is time I go ask Kolby to take me home." 

"Annie girl, please. Don't be like that." Brantley ran a hand over his face. He knew she would react like this. She didn't care for Amber, but he wasn't sure why she was getting so upset. She kept going back to Jake so it wasn't like she wanted him or anything. 

"Be like what? I'm fine." Her voice went up an octave, signaling the onset of tears. 

Brantley sighed heavily. "At least let me drive you home." 

Aniston didn't protest. She turned on her heel and made a bee line for the front door. Brantley hot on her tail as he reached for his keys hanging on the hook in the foyer. Someone had a lot of explaining to do. And he wasn't sure that it was him. 

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