What Have I Done

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A/N: Mature content ahead.... read at your own risk! Enjoy! Vote, share, and comment. Let me know how you are liking this story!

The little bungalow was quiet. The door creaked open as Brantley fumbled with the door knob behind Aniston's back. His hand coming back quickly to hold her up as her legs wrapped around his waist. He continued to walk them blindly through the living room as they were all lips and teeth and tongues. 

"Shit." Brantley replied, tripping over a pair of shoes that lay in the middle of the floor. Aniston threw her head back and giggled, apologizing as the two nearly went crashing to the ground. Brantley didn't skip a beat though, nipping at the soft skin of her neck. "Which way to the bedroom?" He growled, not looking up. 

"Last room down the hallway." Aniston breathed out. 

Brantley walked them carefully down the hallway, making it to the door straight ahead of them. He pushed it open with his boot, the scent of her vanilla perfume she sprayed the room with hitting his nose. He carefully laid her on the queen size bed that faced the window, showcasing the front yard. Cars passing by on Main Street, their headlights glowing against the beige walls. 

Brantley climbed on the bed, feeling it dip as he hovered over Aniston's body. Her hair splayed across the pillows like a halo, making her look even more the angel that she was. He smiled devilishly, leaning down to capture her swollen lips with his once more. He hesitated a second before biting her lip, asking for permission to enter. He was pleasantly surprised when she obliged just as quickly. A moan escaping her lips, causing shivers down his spine. Aniston wiggled her body beneath him and he could tell it was to gain some sort of friction between them. Brantley placed his right hand down around her bottom, lifting her left leg up around his waist. 

"Mmmmm," Aniston hummed in approval as she rocked her hips upward. 

Brantley tried not to let himself come undone so quickly, but she was making it very hard not to rip her clothes off and do what he has been dying to do to her since he laid eyes on her after the first time he and Amber broke up. Aniston sensed his hesitation. She let her hand trail down the front of his body between them, settling it on his growing erection. She rubbed her thumb over him, earning a groan in return. 

"Shit, Annie." Brantley growled low in his throat. She continued to rub her hand against him until it was too much for the both of them. 

"Brantley, please. Fuck me." Aniston pleaded, her voice echoing off the walls as she begged him. 

"Well, since you asked so politely...." Brantley chuckled. 

In a matter of minutes, their clothes were in a pile on the ground beside them. Brantley hovered over Aniston once more, before he entered her with a swift but soft motion. Aniston arched her back, her chest coming up against his. 

"Ughhhh." She moaned as he pulled out slowly, lengthening his thrust. He entered her once more, causing her to bite her lip in euphoria. "Fuck." 

Brantley continued to thrust, picking up the pace as their bodies crashed in to one another. Aniston raised her arms above her head, holding on to the headboard. She tried to hold out as long as she could, but her walls started to close in around him. In seconds, the two were riding out their orgasms together, breathing heavily. 

"Damn, Annie girl." Brantley sighed, collapsing against her. Aniston smiled brightly, kissing his forehead. 

But there was a nagging feeling that started to creep in. What had she just done? 

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