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"ITS NOT THAT HARD!" A TWELVE year old Draco Malfoy exclaimed as he threw his arms up in frustration.

"Shhh" Madam Pince hissed, placing her index finger on her lips

Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, Theo, and Draco were currently huddled in a tight corner of the schools library while discussing their prank.

What were they using?

A balloon full of glitter that would explode at the flick of a wand.

Where did they get the glitter?

Random First Year.

Who would be responsible for the balloon if they got caught?

Vincent Crabbe.

But of course, he didn't know.

"Just plant this by the damn bookshelf over there and hope that Pottah and his little friends find it"

"Please remind me, Malfoy" Theodore Nott crossed his arms while raising an eyebrow at the boy "why are we doing this again?"

The blonde haired boy rolled his eyes and scoffed as if Theo should have already known the answer. "If they think Slytherins are so bad, then we'll show them the bad guys. Also, this should teach them not to go sniffing around, finding trouble. I mean are they trying to get us killed?!"

"I'm not doing it" Blaise Zabini harshly whispered as he put his hands up and took a step back

"I already have a job" spoke Crabbe.

"I'm not doing it!"

"If the job isn't that hard" Theo said using air quotes "then why don't you do it"

"Fine" he grumbled while snatching the balloon from Goyles hands "you guys are just a couple of wusses" the balloon was hidden in the inside of his robes.

Draco trotted past bookshelves, clutching his robes tight as curse words were said under his breath as he thought about how disloyal his friends were.

He was too busy plotting his revenge on them that he hadn't seen the {y/h/c} haired girl stroking the spine of each book as she observed the titles. "Daft idiots never do as I sa-"

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