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"HE REALLY DID IT!" BLAISE ZABINI praised as they headed down to the Slytherin Common Room. "He actually did it!"

"Yeah yeah. You can shove off now." Draco pointed out.

Theo swung his arm over his shoulder, ruffling his blonde hair "No can do mate cause step two is officially a go."

"Don't tell me we have to use t-"

"The laptop!" Pansy happily interrupted as she kicked the door open.

"Don't kick it!"

Blaise practically sprinted to the edge of his bed and popped open the trunk. "Who would've thought a muggle device would actually be useful."

"Not me."

"Definitely not me."

"Pureblood problems I guess."

Theo snickered as they began to wait for the screen to load. Blaise showed a grimace of confusion and began to hit the dark screen. "It--won't--show--me-- the bright--screen," he said between each slap.

"What'd you do?"

He glanced up from the screen and squinted his eyes annoyed "Gee Pansy, I probably wouldn't have asked if I knew what I did."

"Calm down Zucchini. What if you ask Patil. I mean it is hers."

"That's probably the smartest thing you've ever said."

Pansy shoved Draco who laughed and stumbled into Theo "Shut it glitter cheeks!"


"The laptops dead." Parvati Patil simply replied as she fiddled with the hem of her black skirt.

They sat in the Room of Requirements in order to avoid noisy housemates and so they couldn't get caught with a device on school grounds.

Parvati was sat on a couch with her friend Lavender Brown and her sister Padma Patil. The four Slytherins sat on the other couch.

"Impossible," Draco scoffed while pointing his index finger at her "you're bloody insane for thinking we'd use the killing curse on somethi-"

"Don't be daft," she interrupted with a little laugh at his lack of knowledge for muggle items. "It needs more power in order to activate.." her tone was soft and slow for them to understand.

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