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"WHAT'D YOU FIND?" THEO impatiently asked as he attempted to adjust the screen, but had his hand smacked away by Blaise who kept his other hand on the touchpad of the laptop.

After a few scrolls and searches, Blaise finally found something "Okay so I found a...chapter?" He wasn't sure what to call it. In his eyes, it was just a rectangle with a bright screen and a lot of words and images.

"What the hell is Seventeen period com" Draco asked aloud as he stared at the pink bold letters.

Pansy rolled her eyes and corrected him "Seventeen dot com."

The three boys turned their heads to look at her, all having confused faces "How are you so sure? Huh, Pansy." Theo remarked.

"Have to take Muggle Studies this year."

Before Draco could make a snarky remark, Blaise had pulled something up "Says here that you need to put yourself out there."

"Why exactly should I be taking advice from something as daft as a muggle device" Draco spat, curling his lip at the mention of something from the Muggle World.

"Do you want the girl or not..glitter cheeks?" The room filled with the sounds of laughter as Draco picked up the nearest item and threw it at Blaise.

Glitter cheeks was a name given to Draco due to the incident with the glitter balloon. It took over a week to remove all the glitter..

"Can't I just take advice from Pansy or something" he groaned as he stretched his arms to fall back on his bed.

"You could, but I gotta go" replied Pansy with a yawn. "Also" she looked back with her hand placed on the doorknob "I love to see you suffer like this"

"Get back here you-" she shut the door and scrambled down the stairs.

"Back to the article," said Blaise, who was obviously determined to help his friend get the girl he fancies. "Says here I know it can be super scary, but sometimes you just have to make the first move--"

"Damn it," Draco groaned as he shoved his head under his pillow.

"--You can't expect your crush to read your mind--"

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 ⇶ DRACO MALFOY✓Where stories live. Discover now