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HOT DAYS AT HOGWARTS WERE agreeably one of the best kind of days. Especially when there wasn't school that day. These were the kind of days where you would relax with a group of friends or read a book on a picnic blanket. You know, stress free kind of days.

However, that wasn't the case for Draco Malfoy. "What if she doesn't even want to go?!" Draco reasoned as he walked around the halls with Pansy, Blaise, and Theo, trying to find Y/N.

The plan for today?

Find Y/N and invite her to the Three Broomsticks.

Theo, who was given a piggyback ride from Blaise, reached his hand out to place it on Dracos shoulder "Draco," Draco looked up at his friend, hoping he would give him some sort of advice "Please shut up."

He smacked his hand away from his shoulder as their laughs filled the almost empty hallway. They walked around the castle searching for Y/N. They looked in the Library, the Great Hall, Hufflepuff Tower, and more places.

The only thing on Dracos mind was asking Y/N to the Yule Ball. She was asked by many guys, but politely turned them all down because she was waiting for someone. Draco didn't know who this someone was, but he was still going to try.

"We only have one option left." Blaise sighed knowing Draco would not agree.

"Which is?" Blaise said nothing while he led them to the Courtyard which wasn't a long trip because they were in the Hallway.

"You're shitting me right now.." Draco harshly whispered in disbelief as they slowed down near a bench. A bench with Cedric Diggorys friend group to be exact. "I am not talking to Diggle knees over there."

"What if he knows where Y/N is?" Hearing this Malfoy sighed and followed them.

"Oh, the pain of my existence." Draco crossed his arms as he stood in front of the older boy.

Cedric sat up from his spot and dismissively waved his hand at his friends. He challengingly raised an eyebrow at the Slytherin "I believe the word is bane, Malfoy. You would know if you weren't too busy staring at Y/N."

Dracos smirk faltered as he scowled at his friends "Which one of you told him?"

"It doesn't take a genius to know you like Y/N, Malfoy." Cedric shook his head with a laugh

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