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WHATS GOING ON?" PANSY ASKED as the Professors started to escort the students to the Great Hall.

"Don't know, don't care. As long as we don't have to stay in that bloody classroom any longer." Theo laughed before grabbing the back of his head in pain "Ow!"

He turned around to see Professor Snape with rolled up parchment in his hand and his lip curled "Move along Nott."

The Slytherins, who had witnessed this moment began to let out a loud cackle and fill in the chairs in the Great Hall. Girls sat on one side of the room as the boys sat on the other.

Loud chatter echoed throughout the room until Professor Mcgonagall cleared her throat to get their attention. "The Yule Ball--"

She was cut off by a loud groan coming from Theo Nott "Another horrid Ball! This is just another excuse for mum to go shopping for dress robes"

His whining stopped when the head of Gryffindor raised an eyebrow at him. He slumped down in his chair and continued to listen. "As I was saying, the Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Tri-wizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for well mannered frivolity..."

Y/N listened carefully to each word she said, but looked around the room for awhile, until her eyes had landed on a Slytherin. It seemed like he had already been staring at her. Draco looked away, but looked at Y/N from the corner of his eye, noticing the small smile she had on her face.

He turned his attention back at her and returned a small goofy smile which she mirrored.

Pansy looked across the Hall at her friends and immediately took notice of the glances that Draco and Y/N were giving each other.

"Pstt" Pansy whispered to the Ravenclaw who was sat on Y/Ns left.
Y/Ns attention had moved onto Professor McGonagall. She was only five seats away from Y/N which she took to her advantage. "Trade seats" she mouthed to the Ravenclaw. Although, Pansy didn't wait for an answer and began moving over people to quietly get there. "Excuse me--coming through--ex--oh please, that was my knee, not my elbow."

Y/N turned her head to the sound of the noise and noticed Pansy Parkinson who she had talked to more. "Ello Pansy" she smiled.

No wonder Draco fancies this girl.

"Hello Y/N. Are you and Malfoy having fun, goggling at each other?" Y/N pursed her lips and turned to a smirking Pansy.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 ⇶ DRACO MALFOY✓Where stories live. Discover now