Chapter 1

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A sigh leaves my lips as I walk beside Scarlett, both disappointed and a bit relieved that our Tank had been missing from the meeting. I have had some kind of fight with most of them, and I really didn't want to start my career as Legionnaire Thea Maverick with Tyler having to write me up.

That being said, I was not expecting one of the tanks to come crashing into Scar and me. The impact sent me sideways into the wall and Scar straight to the floor. I could feel my adrenaline pumping as Ty and I both reached to haul the lug that nearly flattened Scarlett.

But before we could, he was off running, and I couldn't help being close on his heels.

"Thea!" I heard Scarlett call, but my feet had moved the moment the Tank began to barrel back into the brawl.

"You're going to pay for that, Pixie!" The one who knocked Scarlett over yelled as he joined up with the other four Tanks. My lip curled in distaste at realizing I had at least one go with every one of them while at the academy. Well, all of them except the one they were ganging up on.

The Syldrathi was someone I had never interacted with, thank the Maker. I could easily outwit or outmaneuver most of the Terrans, but by the way he moved, it was clear that he was in a different league altogether.

Not just in his fighting, but in his appearance too. Every part of him was ethereal, from his silver hair to violet eyes. Somehow even seeing the blood on his knuckles didn't make him any less drop-dead gorgeous.

I couldn't help feel some satisfaction at seeing him take down one of the Tanks, flinging him into the one girl in the fight. It was then that Tyler tried to intervene.

"Hey, knock it off." He said in a way that I had heard way too many times when it was me in the middle of the fight. My Alpha just got ignored this time, though, the Syldrathi taking a punch to that chiseled jaw before retaliating with a strike to his opponent's throat to down him before stomping him in the groin.

I wonder if he could show me those moves for the next time a Tank gave me any problems?

"Maker's breath. He's winning." I heard Cat say as he downed another cadet by taking out his knee.

"He's incredible," I whisper, my eyes wide in awe. The look that Scarlett and Cat give me is probably one that I need to get my head checked, but I can't bring myself to look away.

That didn't stop me from wincing when the Syldrathi got slammed into a support column, fresh purple blood now spilling from a cut on his brow. He retaliates, his body moving in such a way that it almost seems like he's dancing.

But of course, Tyler has had it with the fight continuing.

"Break it up!" Ty yells as he joins the fray to pull one of the Terrans away. Cat was right behind Ty, and I can't help getting closer as well.

The Syldrathi downed one more of the Terrans in a flurry of dizzying strikes. It was so impressive that I didn't realize the mistake Tyler was about to make.

I remember some of Syldrathi culture from helping Scarlett study for her classes, and when Ty's hand drops down on the Syldrathi's shoulder, so does my stomach. Touching is not something taken lightly in their culture.

"Hey, ease up." Ty orders, just as I can yell for him not to do that. It doesn't matter because even as the words leave my lips, the Syldrathi punches Tyler in the face, and our Alpha tackles him in return. Just as security finally shows up, too, naturally.

Tyler's shouts for the Syldrathi to stop are to no avail, and their brawl continues until the security team finally steps in. Luckily I was not in the middle of this one, but I could feel the guards side-eyeing me as I was usually one of the culprits when a tank was getting a beat down.

Even Tyler was restrained as Scarlett walked up to try and get Tyler out of this mess. Though I couldn't help be distracted by the Syldrathi still. Those deep purple eyes were fixated on me, the slightest of creases between his eyebrows. I can't help meet his gaze, admittedly far too curious for my own good.

There seemed to be so much weight behind the look, but I didn't have the chance to figure out why.

"That was a cheap shot," Tyler says to him, but he says nothing in return as he looks away from me, expression cold. Despite the blood on his face, the Syldrathi still looks immaculate.

"So this is awkward." I hear Scarlett say and drag my attention away from the Syldrathi to glance at her.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Tyler blinks for a moment, the pieces clicking into place.

"No." He says as I realize it too.

Our fearless leader just got into a fistfight with the final member of our squad.

Scarlett introduces our newest member, and I can't help hanging on to her words at hearing his name.

He is our tank and combat specialist, meaning that I will be working very closely with him as it is my job to assist however I can as the weapons specialist.

"It is Kal for short." He speaks in a voice that sends butterflies tumbling in my stomach, even more so when I realize that he's still looking right at me.

And I couldn't bring myself to look away.

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