Chapter 5

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Everything about this mission seemed to get more and more complicated.

From towing around a certain stowaway in a crate to pretending to go out with a very handsome (and very handsy) guard in order to get him out of his armor, now to planning the most insane heist the universe had ever seen.

Even I could see that it was suicidal, but what else were we supposed to do? We'd already made enemies of the TDF after rescuing Auri from the GIA officers and would undoubtedly be court-martialed if we were ever caught.

Honestly, I'm surprised it took this long before Cat snapped.

Despite all of the bad blood between us over the years, I get it. I get why she had finally had it.

This wasn't some simulation. This was something very real and very illegal that we're planning to do. If it wasn't for what my uncle said combined with the clues we've found this far, I might have been on the same page as Cat for the first time in my life.

Okay maybe the second time. I won't lie that I had a crush on Ty when we were kids, which is where a lot of our animosity stems from.

It all feels so petty in comparison to everything that we're faced with now though.

After Cat stormed out, we all just sat there in shock for a few minutes. I slumped back in my chair, muttering under my breath. It was a mantra that I had heard in the academy, and it had always stuck with me.

Though it wasn't until the arm of the chair dipped slightly that I glanced up to see Kal watching me intently. So much so that I felt my cheeks reddening.

"Where did you learn that?"His voice was soft as he asked the question, as if trying not to startle me.

A little late for that one.

I swallowed as I thought back to the mantra, that I had been muttering in Syldrathi. I knew it's translation, but it sounded more beautiful in it's original tongue.

Kal's tongue.

"I learned it at the academy." I admit, shifting in my seat to be able to look up at him better. His eyebrow raised slightly at that.

"What other words have you learned?" He asked, though his voice was almost unsure if he wanted to know.

My mouth felt dry as I pursued my lips. There were so many ways I could answer that question, but there was only one that seemed to have the most weight.

"I know the one you called me back at the bar, Be'shmai..." I whispered.

That caused him to stiffen, eyes widened as I looked up at him and tried to keep calm.

Part of me wondered if he'd storm off for me bringing it up, but the other knew that he would stay by my side. The Pull would keep him here with me.

"You knew..?" He breathed, the slightest frown tugging down his lips. "I am a fool.."

"What? Why?" It was my turn to frown, my lips falling into a pout.

"Tyler mentioned that you spoke Syldrathi, but I did not think that you knew of our customs as well. I apologize for underestimating you." He replies softly.

I shook my head at his words.

"I have very general knowledge, Kal. But if you would teach me more, I would love to learn. Especially about the Pull."

The frown lifts as he leans slightly closer to me.

"What would you like to know about it?" He asks softly.

I ponder the question for a few moments, tilting my head before speaking.

"Tell me what it feels like."

He exhales, that crease appearing between his eyebrows with thought.

"It is like gravity... Just like everything in the universe has a gravity to it, that is what I feel when I am near you as if orbiting around you is where I belong."

I know my cheeks have to be flushed red, the weight of it starting to settle on me. Of course, I had heard stories about the Syldrathi Pull, but I never realized how deep of a connection that it truly was.

"Kal..." I whisper, biting my lip slightly.

"Yes, Be'shmai?"

His voice is so tender when he says that word. The precious name that he calls me and only me. It's almost too much for my heart to take.

"I wish I could feel it like you do." I reach out for his hand, gently lacing my fingers with his. I partially expected him to pull away, but instead, he held my hand tightly as his violet eyes looked deeply into mine. "I know it isn't anything in comparison to the Pull, but I felt so drawn to you since I saw you."

"Seeing me in a brawl drew you to me?" He raised that perfect eyebrow.

"Maybe?" I laughed softly, watching a smile curled upon his lips. "I mean probably not. But you caught my attention in a way no one else has before."

"I wonder if you can feel the Pull in your own way." He muses, slowly running his thumb over my knuckles.

"We're here together, aren't we?" I smile more, noticing the way his eyes soften.

"Indeed we are. I will do anything in my ability to keep it that way."

"As will I."

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