Chapter 9

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Zila checked the gash at my temple in the infirmary, disinfecting it before putting a bandage over it.

Kal watched the whole time, no more than an arm length from me at all times. I tried to give him a reassuring smile, but it didn't lessen the crease between his brows.

After Zila had finished with me and turned to walk out was when Kal finally spoke.

"Is all well?" Kal asks softly. I watch curiously, having a feeling what he is getting to.

"There is nothing of concern in her readings."

"...I meant you, Zila."

"Zila...," Kal says as Zila turns toward the door. "I truly am sorry. I sought only to take the weapon from you."

"I understand," She says in her monotone before exiting the infirmary.

A deep sigh leaves Kal and I can't help reaching out for his hand. He looks up at me and I can see how much his actions are weighing on him.

Gently, I tug him close to me, using where I sit on the bio-cot to pull him into an embrace.

"Thank you for protecting me." I whisper into his ear, my chin resting on his shoulder.

His hands find my waist, fingers curling slightly into the bodice of my dress.

"I would move heaven and earth for you if necessary." His soft response comes, sending my heart skittering in my chest.

"But I wish I had not shamed myself as I did." I pulled back to look into his eyes at hearing his regret, studying him closely.

"You did not shame yourself. None of us understand what you feel since we aren't Syldrathi, but I think with time, the others will forgive you. No one was seriously hurt, afterall." I say, one hand coming up to cup his cheek.

There is a sense of awe in the way he gazes at me, as if baffled by my words. His lips part and a soft laugh escapes.

"I am not as optimistic as you, Be'shmai. But I do appreciate your words." Kal replies after a few moments.

"I know the squad is rough around the edges, but I really do think that we will work through this. Besides, we really don't have a choice. With the GIA on us like this, we have to work together if we have any chance of surviving." It was my turn to sigh, biting my lip slightly.

"Be'shmai... I ask you to be careful as we go on with this quest. If something were to happen to you, I do not know what I would become."

My eyes widen, thinking back to the encounter with Aedra and the hate in her eyes at Kal, holding him responsible for the death of her mate. Would his anger overtake him if I was killed? The violence in his blood made it a possibility.

"I will try, I promise. But Kal, I can't sit back while we're all in danger. I have to do my part too. I don't know what all this means, but the Eshvaren has called me too. I can feel that I'm supposed to be doing something to help."

I explain, Kal nodding slightly, though I can tell by the frown on his lips that he didn't like what I was saying.

"I will stay by your side to make sure harm does not befall you, Be'shmai." He says firmly, and I can't help leaning forward to press my lips to his. I feel him stiffen against me and I wonder for a moment if I overstepped.

Maker, Kal makes it too hard for me not to. I know we've only known each other for a short amount of time and something in the universe decided that he would feel the Pull to me, but hearing him talk like that makes me feel like the luckiest person in the galaxy. Despite majorly not being considering the situations we're constantly in.

But the thought of having Kal by my side makes me feel as if it will all be okay. That I have someone who will never leave me unless the Maker tears us apart.

I was about to pull away when Kal's arms wrapped tightly around my waist, returning the kiss fervently as he pulled me close against his chest.

All of our interactions before had been so gentle, so careful as to not cross an unspoken line. But this was different.

This is what it felt like to be so deeply connected to another that the universe destined it.

Sooner than I would have liked, I had to pull away to catch my breath. Kal leaned forward as if to catch my lips again and I pressed a chaste peck to his lips before leaning my forehead against his.

Our first kiss.

The thought made me so giddy, I couldn't help the soft laugh that left my lips.

Kal's puzzled expression only caused me to laugh more and press a kiss to his cheek.

"I'm so lucky to have you," I whisper, a gentle smile curling at his lips.

"I feel the same, Be'shmai." He replies.

I was about to kiss him again when I heard a groan from the other bio-cot where Aurora was.

My cheeks flush red at realizing I completely forgot about the other girl. Judging by the tint to Kal's cheeks and ears, he had as well.

He hesitant let go of me, letting me get to my feet and walk over to Auri.

"What do you remember?" I ask her, helping Auri up into a sitting position.

Auri only frowns at first, as if hazily trying to put the pieces together.

"Zila...shot me."

"She intended no harm," Kal says. "She wished only to awake that which is within you."

I glanced at Kal, who had moved to stand by my side once again.

"Eshvaren," she whispers.

"I'm not going to pretend to know what is going on, but this made it clear that we're both part of it somehow." I mused, frowning slightly.

"This is insane." She closes her eyes, rubs her temples as if pained. "I could see the whole thing. Even though I was out cold. It was I was outside my body. Watching it on a vidscreen. Zila blasting us and Kal..."

Auri looks between the two of us, a puzzled look on her face. "What was that? Why did you go after Zila like that?"

I looked at Kal, waiting to see if he wanted to explain it. I threaded our fingers together once more, giving him my reassurance. Tyler already knew, which means the others would be likely to find out as well.

"Syldrathi call it the Pull," Kal states. "It is an instinctual...attraction we feel. And when I saw that Thea had been injured, I acted."

Auri's cheeks turned slightly pink, her eyes widening. "So you're like soulmates?"

I smile at the words, squeezing Kal's hand. "Something like that."

"I also remember seeing myself reaching out for you, Thea... What happened then?" Auri asked, and my smile fell, thinking back to what the Eshvaren showed me.

"I saw the galaxy and what was coming... the Ra'haam. I think it's the voice that I heard back when we unmasked the GIA agents." I replied, shaking my head slightly.

"Kal? Thea?" Ty's voice crackled from our uniglasses. "Do you read?"

Kal let go of my hand to reach for his, touching the screen of the device. "I copy."

"Is Auri awake?"

"She is." Kal replied.

"I think you three better come up and see this then."

I raise an eyebrow at the uni, but nod and begin to help Auri to her feet.

"We are on our way." Kal responds before touching the screen again and reattaching the unit to his belt.

And with that, we began the trek back to the bridge.

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