ONE- One Month Later...

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As John and Mary were asleep in their bed, John's hand started to twitch as he dreamed of his time in Afghanistan. He heard gunfire and explosions, watching as his comrades fell and grimaced in pain around him. He shook his head in his sleep and his dream switched to when he first met Sherlock and Anita.

Suddenly, John heard a pounding sound nearby and he jolted and sat up in his bed. He threw back the covers and pulled on a dressing gown. John walked over to the front door and saw a woman standing there looking at him with tears in her eyes.

"I know it's early. Really I'm sorry," she told John, clearly in distress. John stared blankly at her until he heard Mary walking up behind him.

"Is that Kate?" Mary questioned.

"Y-Yeah, it's Kate," John replied.

"Invited her in?" Mary asked him.

"Er, sorry, yes. D- d'you wanna come in, Kate?" John offered as he stepped aside to allow Kate to walk in. Kate crossed the threshold and walked towards Mary, starting to cry. Later, Mary and Kate were sitting on the sofa. Mary was rubbing Kate's arm while she continued to cry. 

"It's alright," Mary said, calmly.

"It's Isaac," Kate told them.

"Ah, your husband," John replied.

"Son," Mary corrected.

"Son, yeah," John said.

"He's gone missing again. Didn't come home last night," Kate explained. Mary let out a sympathetic sigh and turned to John.

"The usual."

"He's the drugs one, yeah?" John asked and Kate broke down crying as he paced back and forth.

"Er, yeah, nicely put, John," Mary said to him.

"Look, it's Sherlock Holmes and Anita O'Malley you want. Because I've not seen them in ages," John stated.

"About a month," Mary corrected.

"Who's Sherlock Holmes and Anita O'Malley?" Kate questioned, looking over at John tearfully.

"See? That does happen," Mary commented.

"There's a place they all go to, him and his...friends. They whatever they do...shoot up, whatever you call it," said Kate.

"Where is he?" John questioned.

"It's a house. It's a dump. I mean, it's practically falling down," Kate replied.

"No, the address. Where, exactly?" John pushed.

Shortly afterwards, John was dressed and walking down the path outside his house and towards their car that was parked at the curb. Mary, still in her pajamas and dressing gown, followed him.

"Seriously?" she asked him.

"Why not? She's not going to the police. Someone's got to get him," John replied.

"Why you?" Mary pushed as she stopped at the gate.

"I'm being neighborly."

"Since when?" John chuckled at this.

"Since now. Since this exact minute," he answered.

"Why are you being so..." Mary trailed off as she twirled her hands, expressively.

"What?" John asked as he stopped at the driver's door.

"I dunno. What's the matter with you?" Mary questioned, concerned.

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