FIVE- I Don't Think He Ever Wasn't

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A few days later, the doctor told Anita that she could see Sherlock, since he was stable enough. Anita had only left the hospital when John forced her to. All of the doctors and nurses had learned her name and knew why she was there.

"Now I must warn you, Miss O'Malley, you need to keep him from talking too much. He is still recovering," The doctor told her and Anita offered him a small smile.

"I don't think he's stopped talking since I met him, but I'll give it a shot. Thank you," Anita said, shaking his hand before turning and making her way to Sherlock's room.

Anita was nearly there when she saw Janine walking in the opposite direction. Clearly, she had gone to see Sherlock and she had a smug smile on her face. Janine slowed down when she saw Anita approaching. Anita kept her pace, offering Janine a small smirk.

"He's all yours now," Janine said as Anita walked past. Anita grabbed onto the door frame, leaning into the hallway with a bright smile.

"I don't think he ever wasn't." Anita winked before turning into the room and saw Sherlock messing with the morphine dispenser. Anita furrowed her brow disapprovingly at him.

"Hello, love," Anita hummed as she walked into the room. Sherlock turned to look at her, smiling softly. Anita noticed the stack of newspapers with varying headlines from 'Shag-A-Lot Holmes' to '7 Times A Night In Baker Street.' Anita rolled her eyes at them as she walked over to Sherlock's bed, sitting on the edge of it softly.

"Hello," Sherlock responded before taking in a sharp breath. Anita reached over and grabbed his hand, trying to help anyway she could.

"Hey, just relax. Does it still hurt?" Anita asked him. Sherlock nodded, trying to get comfortable again.

"You need more morphine?" Anita offered.

"That's a phrase I wouldn't have expected to come out of you," Sherlock replied and Anita smiled.

"Well, I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure it's supposed to help with the pain. I saw you fiddling with it earlier, thought I could give a helping hand," Anita said, shrugging gingerly. Sherlock shook his head, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. Anita then bit her lip, staring at their interlocked hands.

"I...I thought that John was going to have to drag me out of this hospital too," Anita whispered, glancing up at Sherlock. Sherlock squeezed her hand, tilting his head slightly to look into her eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere. Not until I see you walk down the aisle," Sherlock said, giving her a small smirk.

Anita shook her head at him before leaning down to give him a kiss. Sherlock cupped her back, pulling her closer. He nearly died, he's allowed to make out with his fiancée in his hospital bed. Anita responded instantly, scooting closer onto his bed. As the kiss got a bit more passionate, Anita could hear Sherlock's heart monitor going crazy. She smirked into the kiss, pulling back a centimeter to look into his eyes.

"You must really love me, huh?" Anita joked, chuckling as she leaned away. Sherlock smiled for a moment before it dropped. Anita's smile faltered for a second, worried at the sudden change.

"Sherlock? What's wrong?"

Sherlock stared at Anita for a moment. He needed to tell her, knowing she would actually kill him if he didn't. But Anita loved Mary; absolutely adored her. Sherlock watched as Anita stressed over him, glancing nervously around at the medical stuff that she didn't understand. He closed his eyes before letting out a deep sigh.

"It was Mary."

"What?" Anita asked, her face scrunching up.

"Mary was the one that shot me. It was her perfume I smelled, not Lady Smallwood. Magnussen has something on her and she was there to kill him," Sherlock explained as Anita sucked in a breath.

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