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A N D R I E' S P O V


Everything was black, it scared me, it scared the shit out of me. My body was still, my hands couldn't fucking move even when I tried. The pain in my stomach was dull but I couldn't kick remember how I got here in the first place.

I thought it was hell but fuck I knew that even Satan, wouldn't want me. The air was chilly, and I could hear some faint noises, soft and smooth. I blinked my eyes before I finally saw someone, the person was a blur. Slowly and slowly the person became clearer and I recognized that person, it was my girl, my wife, Anna. She wore a simple white dress, her striking down eyes shining with a warmth that once comforted me.

Her soft pink lips formed into a small smile, and I swear I felt my heart stop. Her cheeks were a color of pink dust, her little nose red. She was my angel.

"Baby..." The soft murmur left my lips, she smiled at the nickname before she moved closer to me. Her soft lips met mine, and everything just stopped. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think I was just so fucking confused. Her lips detached from mine, I missed them. I missed her.

" Моя любовь, you are here," Her eyes twinkled in happiness, her features as soft as they left me for the first time. I wanted to touch her, hug her, crave her, and yet, my hands couldn't move. My whole body couldn't move.

[My love]

"Where am I?" She placed her arms on my shoulders and leaned down to kiss me again. Our lips still molded with her, I still felt the sparks, his soft lips against mine and I felt that I conquer the world just by her side.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know what you are doing here, even I don't know what I am doing here. But I can tell you that in the real world you are fighting for your life."

Her answer confused me, I couldn't remember anything. The pain in my abdomen just intensified, I thought this was the afterlife but why did I still feel lonely, I was with my Anna, and yet, my heart felt empty.

"You are here, my love. You are finally here. I waited for you so much. And now that you are finally here I feel that you are still not here,"

"What do you mean?"

"I know that you love her,"

Realization hit me that moment, I was falling in love. Again. My heart started beating faster, my hands felt clay. Seeing my reaction to the words she laughed and shook her head, standing on her toes, she but her lips. My seductress.

"Calm down, my love."

"I'm sorry."


"I... don't know. It feels that I am breaking my promises to you when I look at her."

The clear sight of love and admiration in her eyes made my heart lurch, her presence was a gift to me now. After so many years of prayers for God to let me see her one last time had finally been fulfilled. But our circumstances had changed now, I was falling in love with someone else. Maybe this was my punishment.

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