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Had I been told that the night I was set out to clear everything, my anguish for my girlfriend, my deep hatred towards me, and the ghost of my Anna resulting in that I could gain anything I would probably fucking laughed.

But then again, fate was laughing at me, taking away all I had gained in the past months with just a few sets of words. She was gone. Stolen from me by her father and Luigi, and where she was? I had no fucking clue.

It's been two weeks, searching for her, tearing down houses and family apart just for her eyes, smile, and scent. I couldn't fathom what she was going through, what her fucking father was making her go through.

I hated that thought with all of my beings, her pain, her loneliness, her anguish had burned me to work harder, faster to find her. My eyes didn't stop looking, my hands still searching for it to weave through her hair and my lips finding hers.

I hated that I couldn't do anything, I hated my loathing towards myself had cost me my greatest gift all because of my insecurities and past trauma. I beat myself for it, my hands bled with scratches all over them my claves burning with a need of rest.

But instead of giving into the rest that I needed, I pushed myself harder I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, all I thought about was how I had caused her pain. Emotionally and physically.

The memories marred my heart, and I welcomed them with open arms. I reveled in my pain, in regret. I hated myself too much at that, and I knew if something had happened to her I wouldn't be able to forgive myself, let myself live.

The door opened with a click before Pheonix stepped in, his face blank and filled with void. His eyes bore into mine before they landed on the half-empty scotch and shook his head, good call motherfucker, he did not want to piss me off.

"What is it?" My voice was gruff and husky from the alcohol, my brain was fuzzy and my blurred eyes didn't help me when he slammed an open file on my desk. I wasn't in the mood to see what bullshit he wanted to show me and no matter how drunk I was I still had the strength to crush his neck in my hands.

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