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Andrei was sitting in his office when the guard entered his office bowing at him and then standing right in front of him.

"What do you want?" He asked him, his voice of cold holding malignancy. "Jake wants to see you, Мой король." His tone had held pure loyalty, authority, and arduousness.

[My king.]

"Send him in," leaning back in his chair he stared at the man in front of him raising his eyebrow indicating him to leave. His stare had wandered somewhere else, more importantly to someone.

His imagination always got the best of him, so to this day he still saw his wife who was dead for six long years. She was always in the same attire and still looked beautiful, even though it was his imagination he still wanted her alive.

"You know imagining me won't do you any good..." She teased him, she always just saw through him and he fucking adored it. "You are supposed to be resting," he asked moving towards her and latching his arms to her waist.

"Well... I have been resting for five years, I think I am pretty fit." She said draping her arms around his shoulders. "Well can you not come back?" He asked he always wished she would say yes, but it was always the opposite.

"You know the answer to that mister."

"Come back to me Anna." He pleaded, but she had vanished the moment there was a knock on the door. He fixed himself before getting back on his seat and again turned his face to stoic. No emotions were left in him now, after 5 years he had never loved anyone.

He became numb to everything, punishing himself for not being there for Anna.

"Come in," And once again he went numb, cold to everyone, to the world who could never understand his pain, his grieving, his regret. The door opened to reveal an angry Jake walking towards him and then pointing his gun at his head.

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