That one scene where Jude tries to charm royalty to back Oak as king

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Hey guys onto the next scene which ngl I forgot about until exactly 4 seconds ago. Anyways hope you like it sorry for not posting in a week.


As I sit here listening to Jude tell me the plan I am a bit annoyed that I was dragged out of sleep from those uncomfortable cots. Seriously how does anyone sleep on them, no wonder Jude is always so moody. Jude tells me that i have to give her information about the different courts so that she can go and charm them.

HA, like thats going to work. No matter, if she wants to waste her time she can and I wont interfere. "So I am to sit here and feed you information" I say just to make sure I have it right, ""And you're to go charm royalty? That seems entirely backward." 

She fixes me with a glare, I'm glad I didn't laugh aloud when she told me the plan."I can be charming. I charmed you, didn't I?" she says

Yes. Yes you did. 

Is she really going to bring it up all the time, if so this small period of friendliness with each other is going to be short lasted "Do not expect others to share my depraved tastes." I say with a roll of my eyes.

Naturally she ignores me, "I'm going to command you, ok?"

Why is she asking permission. All anyone ever does in Elfhame is take, take, take, including me. So why is she any different. I try to think of the last time someone asked me if something was ok before they did it and I realize..... I can't.  Still pondering her words I nod.

 "I command you to stay here and wait until I am ready to leave this forest, there is imminent danger, or a full day has passed. While you wait, I command you to make no sound or signal to draw any others to you. If there is imminent danger or a day has passed without my return, I command you to return to the Court of Shadows, concealing yourself as well as you are able until you are there." She says

Huh, she isn't too bad at issuing commands. This is not good I was hoping to find a loophole and escape but I'm at a loss.  "Thats not too poorly done" I say leaning against a hickory tree.  I have to stay in control.

Jude just looks annoyed, "Ok tell me what you can about Queen Annet"

"The Court of Moths is sprawling and very traditionally Unseelie. She's practical-minded and direct, and she values raw power over other things. I also heard she eats her lovers when she tires of them." I reply, raising my eyebrows. And then the strangest thing happened, Jude smiled, at something I said. The smile quickly disappears once she realizes.

"So why did she walk out of the coronation? It sounds like she and Balekin would be perfect for each other." She asks confused.

"She has no heirs," I says. "And despairs of ever bearing one. I think she would not have liked to see the wasteful slaughter of an entire line. Moreover, I don't think she would be impressed that Balekin killed them all and still left the dais without a crown."

"Okay," She says, sucking in a breath.

As she turns to leave i grab her wrist on impulse, "Take care," I says, and then smile. "It would be very dull to have to sit here for an entire day just because you went and got yourself killed." I can't have her knowing that I care more than she already knows.

"My last thoughts would be of your boredom," She replies snarky as ever.

------------------- (time jump to right before she comes back from Queen Annets camp)-------------

I've been lying on my back looking at the stars when I hear Jude stomping through the brush on her way back. I laugh quietly to myself knowing things must've not went well. Jude is not one for the politeness or formalness needed to speak to a queen.

Just then she comes into the clearing and shakes her head when I look at her, a question in my eyes. She plops down onto the grass next to me and says "I didn't even get to talk to her,".

I turn toward her so that she can see me, "then you did something wrong." I say simply

She looks like she's about to yell at me and i brace myself not wanting to have to listen, when she slumps in defeat.

She lies back onto the grass next to me and we sit in silence for a while. The silence, I realize is comfortable, where we're not always taunting or trying to intimidate the other, when it is just the two of us, lying down, next to each other. "This is nice, if only we could do this all the time", I think foolishly to myself.  After this we will no doubt go back to our old ways, but a prince can hope.

After a while she says "Fine. If you were me, whom would you apply to?" which surprises me, i never would've thought she would ask my advice.

"Lord Roiben and the Alderking's son, Severin." I say looking over at her once more. Our faces are only inches apart and I can't help but think of our kiss in the study earlier today. If I leaned just a little bit closer our lips would brush.  

She frowns as if she can sense my thoughts ""But they're not part of the High Court. They haven't sworn to the crown."

"Exactly" I tell her and before I can think about It I reach out and start to trace the curve of her ear, her oh so human ear. She closes her eyes as I tell her more about Lord Roiben and Severin and then all of a sudden I realize the intimacy of what I'm doing and snatch my hand back to my side. "NO Cardan, she is a mortal and awful" my thoughts say so contrasting to what was going through my head only moments earlier. 

Before she can say anything I speak first, "They have less to lose and more to gain throwing in with a plan that some might call treason. Severin reportedly favors a mortal knight and has a mortal lover, so he'll speak with you. And his father was in exile, so recognition of his Court itself would be something." Best to just move on. 

"As for Lord Roiben, the stories make him seem like some figure in a tragedy. A Seelie knight, tortured for decades as a servant in the Unseelie Court he came to rule. I don't know what you offer someone like that, but he has a big enough Court that if you got him to back Oak, even Balekin would be nervous. Other than that, I know he has a consort he favors, though she is of low rank. Try not to annoy her."

She says nothing as she pushes herself to her feet, with a slight dusting of pink across her cheeks. I stop myself before reading too far into it "I know," she says, starting toward the camp. "Don't bore you by dying."

I watch her go trying to figure out what just happened and for one second I imagine what it would be like if we didn't hate each other.


Word count: 1286

A/N- Yall im so sorry, i haven't updated in months. I had absolutely no motivation. Hopefully i'll have motivation for upcoming chapter. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, which scene should I do next? :)

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