Hollow Hall pt.1

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Im finally back, school has been terrible so thats why i haven't updated in a while sorry

Anyway this is the hollow hall scene so that means we're nearing the end of the book! This one will be separated into 2 parts since it's so long. Hope you like it :)


As we arrive at hollow hall, I can't help but feel nervous. I never thought I would be back here alive. This whole time we have been trying to keep Balekin from finding me but now we're walking right to him, it's practically an invitation for my death. I reach for the door knocker as we finish climbing the steps, and it opens its eyes. "My prince."

And because I have grown up with it for years, with sometimes it being my only companion, I respond endearingly "my door."  

"Hail and welcome," the door responds, opening.

Jude looks like she is going to faint from the sight of the door knocker but pulls herself together, well this is going to be a delightful night.

Jude is dressed in a dark green gown that accentuates her curves, not going unnoticed by me. She has a sword at her hip, but I know there's no way she doesn't have other weapons hidden somewhere on her body. Her hair is in a complicated style that only makes her look more beautiful. I, myself am in some of Dains old clothes, all cream colored. They make me look like a prince, and not just the last born child of a horny king, but an actual prince. 

Theres a servant just behind the door who is staring open mouthed at me, I guess I better get used to it. I am the missing prince am I not. "The other guests are just through here" the servant finally manages to say. I tuck Jude's arm through my own and strode through the door.  

Time to party. 

Naturally, everyone turns to stare as we walk across the floor, I scan the room looking for one in particular. And just over in the corner I spot him, deep in conversation with Queen Orlagh. I see him look up and see me, recognition taking over his features.  I don't especially feel like talking to him right now so I immediately move towards the wine, dragging Jude with me.  

It doesn't take long for Balekin to catch up to us, "Little brother." he starts, "I've sought high and low for you"

Not wanting him to see my nerves I quickly respond with a cruel smile "Doubtless so,  I turned out to be useful after all. What a terrible surprise." My words aren't a lie and we both know it, after all, faeries can't lie. I was never supposed to be useful, I was barely even royalty in my siblings eyes. But now, now he needed me.

Balekin smiles back and for a second I think he might just call Mary and have her whip me into submission, and I don't think I would have the will or want to hold back from just crowning him. But alas, we are in public and he can't have the commoners know he beats his little brother when he wants so much to be king. 

Then Balekin turns to Jude, anger in his eyes "And you, what have you to do with this? Leave us." Please don't leave, please don't leave me alone with him, i'm trying to will her to understand me when Madoc walks up and stands beside Balekin.  

His face a mask, "Jude".

He turns to me, and stares for a while, like he assessing how much they need me. He turns back to Jude after what feels like eternity and puts a hand on Jude's shoulder, "You found him". He then turns to Balekin and states "I hope you're planning to reward my daughter.  I am sure it took no small amount of persuasion to bring him here." Funny how he refers to Jude as his daughter when she is in fact the daughter of two mortals who ran away from him, yet my father never even found the time to acknowledge me. Who would've thought, a redcap who thirsts for war with a mortal girl for a daughter.

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