The Final Scene in the Throne Room

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This is the last part of the first book!! yay

Tell me what you think :)


I am lounging on the throne, still trying to comprehend the fact that I'm even on the throne. And the fact that I'm supposed to be on the throne not that I'm just sneaking onto it. 

After a while of being left with my thoughts I hear the doors open and glance up. That's how I see Jude walking towards me, beautiful as ever, yet only in my eyes no longer my mind or heart. She has been avoiding me. Anyone with an eye and common sense could tell you that. Probably wise of her considering what happened the last time me and her were together. I remember it all too vividly, getting forced to kneel, getting crowned king, and Jude. Jude behind it all, knowing this was going to happen the whole time. So yes, I understand why she's been avoiding me.

However she must have come to the conclusion that I did days ago, there's work to be done that I will simply not do without a command. And that means she has to interact with me. At this thought, I look again at Jude. She keeps a neutral face but the small signs in her face make it seem like she's scared or surprised. About what, only Jude could say, I'm done trying to figure her out.

I smile at her, not an endearing or cheerful smile, no, but a cold smile full of hate. "A year and a day" I say "It'll be over in a blink, what will you do then?"

"I hope I can persuade to remain king until Oak is ready to return" She says, as if she could persuade me of anything now.

Maybe I will acquire a taste for ruling," I tell her. "Maybe I won't ever want to give it up."

"I don't think so" and although I wish I could tell her she was wrong, we both know she isn't. I never wanted to rule why would I then.

Fine she wants me to rule, to be the figurehead until who she wants is on the throne, I can do that. "I don't think I will be a good king. I never wanted to be one, certainly not a good one. You made me your puppet. Very well, Jude, daughter of Madoc, I will be your puppet. You rule. You contend with Balekin, with Roiben, with Orlagh of the Undersea. You be my seneschal, do the work, and I will drink wine and make my subjects laugh. I may be the useless shield you put in front of your brother, but don't expect me to start being useful."

She looks shocked, what did she expect to happen. Me suddenly want to do all of the work that comes with king. Well she was far from correct.

"Come have a seat" I say before she can get a word in. I rise from the throne and gesture fo her to sit in it. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?" I asks. "What you sacrificed everything for. Go on. It's all yours."

She wants to control me, I invite her to. She will soon come to realize just how miserable ruling can truly be.


This is a very short scene and concludes book one of the Cruel Prince series!

Tell me if you think I should do the entire series :))

Word Count: 565

Also I've been adding and making some edits to previous chapters if anyone wants to reread!

NEW NOTE: I'm going to be honest, I wrote this when I was a freshman and sophomore in high school and I'm not sure if I want to keep going. If you guys really want me to I will but no promises, so sorry.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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