Hollow Hall Part 2

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Hi guys! This is the second part to the hollow hall chapter, tell me what you guys think :)


We keep walking in silence, so I use this time to go over the plan. There's 5 parts, meaning we only had 4 more parts to complete. Those included getting everyone else in, get the crown, put the crown on Oaks head, get out. Easy. Nothing can go wrong. My life would be eternal misery if this doesn't work out. I am currently putting all of my faith into Jude, a mortal. I must've lost my mind. It's easy for her, even if the plan goes wrong she'll die much sooner than I. Not only will her suffering get to end sooner than mine, I'll be alone... again, for the rest of my life. Lost in thought over what would happen if anything went wrong, I vaguely feel Jude let go of my arm and start to step away.

"Don't go anywhere alone." She tells me

Yeah, I am not that stupid. I still feel like I'm being abandoned by perhaps my only ally in this room. I decide just to smile and nod at her not wanting to risk what I'll say if I speak, it probably looks more like a grimace to her.

I watch her walk towards her step mother Orianna and Oak. I probably would've stood there watching her converse all night if I wasn't practically dragged into a conversation with Balekin and Severin. Balekin's hand stays on my shoulder, nails painfully digging into my neck and shoulder. 

"I see you've found the missing royal", Severin muses.

"I did, prince Cardan here has been hiding out with none other than a mortal. He claims she kidnapped him, isn't that right princeling?" Balekin responds

He knows how much that nickname makes my blood boil. All of my siblings knew it would set me off when they called me "princeling". It just solidified my impression that they didn't even think of me as royalty, much less someone equal to them. However, I do have  some self control, contrary to popular belief. Enough of it to keep from yelling at him right in the middle of the party. Well, it's self control and a relatively large part of me is still is still scared of him. There's also the fact that I know he's just testing me for a reaction. 

"I do, otherwise I would've come straight to you brother." I respond

"Hm, I guess we'll just have to improve on your swordsmanship if you were so easily bested by a filthy mortal", He says, both of us knowing what happens during fighting lessons. I get whipped if I fail. 

It's taking everything in me not to react. I just laugh at what he said, "I guess so."

Severin cuts in, "Good thing you managed to convince her to attend the party, it seems." "And with her on your arm nonetheless."

"My charm is impossible to resist, even for Jude" I say with a wink.

Severin just chuckles and excuses himself to get more wine. I glance back towards Orianna and see that Jude is no longer with them. A quick scan of the banquet hall shows her leaving through the doors. Most likely to let the others in, I'm about to turn back towards Balekin when I see Madoc follow her through the doors. I consider going out there too, just to make sure she's safe. The more I think about it though, the more I realize I would more than likely end up with a sword through me, courtesy of Madoc.

I dismiss myself from Balekins company and find myself seated at the table. From my seat I can see that Jude has returned and is locked in conversation with Locke. How can Jude possibly like him better than me, he is a conniving little fox. This almost ruins my mood for the entire night until I notice she is clearly uncomfortable. I'm about to get up and intervene when she starts walking this way and sits down at her place next to me.

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