Subtle Shifts

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Hello, loves!

It's been a minute, but here is another update! This chapter is heavy in dialogue, but the conversations are important to create the shift in relationships.

Question: How are you enjoying this rewrite so far? What do you like about it? What do you not like about it? Honesty is more than okay here :)

Trigger Warning: This chapter mentions murder and suicide. Harry's thoughts are quite dark, so please read carefully and know that you can message me anytime if you need someone to talk to. I will get back as soon as possible.

I wish you all love and peace. Take care and enjoy!

Chapter 8:

It felt like hours went by before the door to the room I was in was being unlocked and pushed opened again. I sat up on the bed, sitting back against the wall out of reflex now. Anything to get away from my captors.

Zayn did bring me food a while ago. I only ate a bit of it, far too consumed in my worry for the Horans and what would happen to them because of me. Perhaps if I pushed Niall away more severely, he and his family would have given up on me long ago. Maybe then they wouldn't have been in this predicament.

"Restroom break," Louis announced as he walked into the room with Zayn trailing behind him. It was unusual that it was the both of them instead of Liam and Zayn as it usually was. I figured their goal was to keep Liam away for a while after his actions displayed his willingness to help me.

It was smart on their end.

"Where's Liam?" I found myself asking, making Zayn's eyes flicker to me in a piercing gaze. Almost like a silent threat.

"Don't worry about it. Hands out," Louis ordered, bringing my hands together and tying them up so that I couldn't escape. His hands moved expertly as he tied my wrists close, and they were almost delicate when it came to collecting my hands together for the purpose of tying them.

The tie wasn't done too tightly either. Just tight enough so that I couldn't break loose even if I wanted to.

"I'll untie them in the restroom after thing your ankles together," He informed. "Now walk."

He gave me a small push before I was walking behind Zayn, remaining silent the whole way down the hall. While they've allowed me to use an actual toilet several times, it was never Louis who led me there. And I was never truly with my hands tied this way. It was like he was taking extra precautions against me.

We finally arrived at the familiar doorway, and Louis turned to Zayn.

"I'll go in with him. You stay here."

Zayn only gave a nod before turning and leaning against the wall to wait. He wasn't doing much talking around me, so I figured he was still thinking on the whole Liam trying to help me escape thing. He had to understand where Liam was coming from more than anybody. There was some reason that Zayn felt the need to constantly comfort the other man.

Louis led me into the restroom, and I stood in front of the toilet as he tied my ankles together just as expertly as he did my hands. I wondered how often he had to tie a person up. I also wondered what happened to those people.

The dark thought sent a shiver down my spine, but it came and went just as quickly.

"Alright. You have five minutes," He said, standing upright and walking to the far corner of the restroom to wait.

I suddenly felt shy with him in the room. It was like I was one hundred percent aware of his presence and the fact that he could turn and face me at any moment while I was going. He could see me-- all of me-- if he so much as glanced my way.

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