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Hello everybody!

So happy to be back writing after exams. (Wooo 😅) and thank you for all of the patience. This chapter is where things begin to change, and you will understand why soon enough.

Also: favorite song from Harry's House? I personally love Keep Driving and Satellite, but I constantly change my mind lol

Warning: There are mentions of abuse, suicidal thoughts, and feelings of despair. Please read carefully. ❤

With that being said, please read and enjoy!

Chapter 15:


I never went to sleep. Sleep simply wasn't an option after experiencing Louis' behavior last night. I spent the whole night, sitting with my back against the wall on the uncomfortable bed, eyes flickering between the door and the lightbulb that seemed to be slowly dimming overtime with how often it was in use. Every single time the lightbulb would flicker in and out, I held my breath and sent silent pleas for it to stay lit.

My arms were covered in small crescent moon shapes from how tightly I gripped at my own skin in my fear. It was all settling in now. It was all too real now. Louis had all of the power, and he would always be five steps ahead of me. He was capable of more than I knew, and he could easily hurt me. I was playing with fire, and I didn't stop once to even consider that.


No, I couldn't think that way. I couldn't give up. I couldn't go out this way, if only to give Niall and his family some peace of mind and some answers.

I heard the click of the lock on the bedroom door, and my eyes snapped over to the forming entrance as the door creaked opened. My breathing came quick, but it fell short when I saw light brown hair and warm brown eyes.

"Liam," I breathed out, so low that he didn't hear a sound. All of my muscles relaxed a bit, knowing that he and Zayn were finally back from wherever it was they went. I wasn't sure, but I knew it had to do with that video we had to film and distributing it.

"Yeah. I came to check up on you. Um... how are you doing? Did Louis do anything while we were away?"

Looking at him, I could see that something was different within him. While Liam was typically demure and frightened, he always had a kind smile on his lips. He wasn't smiling now. He had dark circles forming under his eyes, and his shoulders sank like they did whenever someone was shouting in his vicinity-- like he was regretting something that nobody else knew about.

"No," I lied after a beat. There was no point in telling anybody about Louis' actions, and putting my true fear and worries on display wouldn't prove beneficial at all. I just had to keep trying to earn Liam and Zayn's trust. "He didn't even come in here."

"What?" Liam questioned, seeming upset by my words. "Not even to feed you?"

I didn't realize that I hadn't eaten, so the sudden growling of my stomach took me by surprise. The reminder of food must have brought it on.

"I told Zayn we shouldn't have left you alone with him," He muttered under his breath. It was an opening for me, and I would gladly jump at the opportunity.

"Liam, I'm fine, but..." I paused, pretending to wrestle with myself over asing what I wished to. "You don't look fine. Did something happen?"

Liam flinched at my words, turning away with an obvious frown on his lips.

"Liam," I called out, standing from the bed and walking towards him. I gently rested a hand on his arm, causing him to look from my hand to my face. "Are you alright?"

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