A Spark of Light

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Hello all!

I am back to updating, and I am so excited to share this chapter with you all! This rewrite is a little difficult to write because I really want everything to make sense in terms of fitting the Stockholm Syndrome plotline while still holding true to the original.

As a little reminder, Stockholm Syndrome = feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor. It's not exactly similar to trauma-bonding, but its pretty close at times. So, if you are feeling that certain scenes aren't healthy, that definition may help explain why.

I also want to mention Liam Syndrome, which is kind of like the opposite of S.S. Lima Syndrome = hostage-takers or victimizers become sympathetic to the wishes and needs of the hostages or victims.

Also, I do want to add that anytime I mention the boys' parents, it is not talking about their actual parents at all. All characters are made up, even major aspects of the boys themselves apart from their looks. Just to clarify anything.

Now, please enjoy this update and let me know what you think!! :)

Chapter 16:

     I was shaking underneath the covers, listening to the whistling of the wind nearly howling past my window. It grew louder and louder as time went on, and I dared to peek out from underneath my covers. There was nothing but darkness that invaded my room.

    My jumper was hung up on the back of my closet door, appearing like a figure in the darkness, my imagination wondering and filling with the worst possible thoughts.

   The rain outside was pattering onto my window, the drops running down along the side as its light fall became heavier with each passing second. Then, there was a bright flash of light before a trembling crackle of thunder shook me to my core. Whimpering, I pulled the covers up over my head and allowed my tears to fall freely.

   I couldn't just get up and run to my mum and dad's room, no matter how much I wanted to, because, unlike other kids who had their parents just a door away, my parents were currently on a business trip on the other side of the world. The only adults I had around me were the security guards my parents hired, and I would have to run all the way downstairs to report to their radios.

    Another flash of light filtered through the room followed by yet another rumble from the sky. I tried to hug myself tight, but it wasn't enough. My fingers tremored and trembled against my own skin. Tiny whimpers escaped my lips as I cried underneath the covers, wishing my mum and dad were here, wishing I was at the Horans house right now, wishing that I wasn't so alone in the darkness aymore.

     I jumped at the faint sound of thunder crashing overhead. Being in the basement area, I couldn't see the flashes of lightning, but I could thoroughly feel the way the floor shook with every crash. I heard only faint sounds of rain, meaning it was probably pouring outside. I gripped onto my own knees with my fingers, clenching the fabric of my bottoms in fists, knuckles turning white from the pressure. I tried to regulate my breathing, but I was still feeling light-headed as I panted, trying to maintain a semblance of my sanity as the storm raged on.

    Every part of the storm reminded me of being left alone in that empty, huge house at such a tender age. There were adults present, but bodyguards and security weren't family-- it was their job. They didn't provide warmth and comfort, they only protected the possessions within the house.

    Now, just like that night, I was alone in the darkness that spread throughout the room like black ink, impenetrable and threatening.

    Somewhere in the back of my mind I was completely aware that I wasn't a child. I was tall enough the reach the light switch and turn on the light, but every part of me was frozen where I sat with my back against the wall and the thin bedsheet pooling near my feet. Every time I thought about standing up and going to turn on the light, my breathing picked up dramatically. I would start to panic, and then another crash of thunder would roll over the sky, making me squeeze my eyes shut to more darkness.

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