New Surroundings

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Chapter 2:

I woke up with a groan, a throbbing pain in my head and a stinging feeling in my neck. Everything was a blur when I finally brought myself to open my eyes. All I saw was a mixture of colors and stars when I opened them, so I blinked several times until my vision came back to me, the fuzzy edges slowly becoming sharp again and the colours contrasting once more. I didn't recognize where I was, but I noticed that there wasn't a window in the room, so it was quite dark.

I was lying down on a small bed, twin sized like Niall had in the bedroom of his home. The walls were all bare, no pictures or posters, not even a clock to tell time with. The only other pieces of furniture I noticed was a wooden chair that sat in the corner of the room, back pressed against the wall and facing the bed, as if it was positioned solely for the purpose of keeping an eye on me, and the lightbulb that hung from the ceiling.

That's when everything came back to me.

I held onto my head as my mind became a dizzying rush of memories from the night before. It must have been the night before.

I remembered every detail from Niall leaving to waking up to the house alarms blaring. I remembered sneaking down the stairs and hearing unfamiliar voices. I recalled seeing one of my family's bodyguards laying face down by the house's entrance, probably trying to get to me to keep me safe. I remembered every single thing from the terror in my heart as I ran up the stairs to my room and hid under the bed to asking Niall to call for help to the stinging pain in my neck as the same dart I saw in my bodyguard's neck entered my own.

The same rush of panic that I felt on the stairs of my house stirred in my heart, and I was jumping up off of the bed and standing on me feet, looking around the room, hopelessly, for an exit. My hands searched the wall for a light switch, but when I found it, I decided against flicking it on. I didn't want anyone to know I was up, even if the darkness felt like it was consuming me.

With shaky hands and legs, I walked toward the door and jiggled the handle, trying to open it, but my attempts proved futile. There was no escape, and I had no idea where I was being kept. I had no way to call for help. I was completely stuck.

I fell to the ground, hands pushing back my hair in the distress that washed over me. My elbows rested on my knees as I held my head and tried to get a grasp on myself.

"Okay, breathe. Just breathe," I spoke aloud, needing to hear some type of reassurance against the negative thoughts scurrying through my mind. The dark was my worst fear, and I despised the fact that I couldn't escape it this time. "Just keep calm," I mumbled, and then I froze as I heard rushed voices getting closer to the door.

"Louis, we're sorry. That's just the way things went down!" I heard a familiar voice say. It sounded like it belonged to the guy whose name was Zayn.

Louis. That wasn't a name I heard the two guys at my house say before. That meant there was at least three different people involved. Who knew how many more were outside of this room?

"That wasn't the plan. You were never supposed to kidnap their son," The other guy replied in a dark tone. The footsteps stopped right outside of my door, and I held my breath as fear coursed through my body. It was far too silent on the other side, and I gingerly crawled backwards, away from the door, until my back his the edge of the bed.

"We're sorry, Louis. We were just trying to be careful-" That was the voice that belonged to the guy named Liam.

"But you weren't," Louis interrupted, and even I froze up at the icy tone to his voice. It left no room for talking back or speaking up. There was a long pause in the conversation, but I knew they were still close by. I never heard any retreating footsteps, so I sat quietly, nearly holding my breath as I waited.

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