Open Wounds

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Hello everyone!

Happy 12 Days of Updates! This update is for day 1, and I really hope you all enjoy it because these next few chapters change several character relationships slowly but surely.

Trigger Warning: This chapter contains violence. It is minor, but if you are uncomfortable with that, please skip it. Also, there are moments of self-deprecating thoughts and hints at Harry's depressive mental state. Please, please read carefully.

Chapter 10:

I wasn't aware of how much time had past before I heard the key turning in the lock, but my eyes were burning from how long I had been staring at the only light in the room, which was flickering as if threatening to completely burn out. I was willing it to hang in there, deathly afraid of being trapped in the darkness.

The door was being pushed opened, and I looked over to see Zayn walking into the room. He held up the familiar zip tie in his hands, and I knew what I was supposed to do. Holding out my hands, he tied them together and pulled me to my feet. "Walk," He ordered, pushing at my lower back, and I did as I was told.

Just as I previously did, I was led down the massive length of the underground halls, turning away from the staircase and being led back to the room in which my parents were called before. The door was wide opened once more, and I saw Vince and Louis speaking to one another.

"Do you care about your family?" Zayn whispered in question. I replied in a whisper.

"Yes. But they don't seem to care for me the same way."

He only hummed in response, as if he knew all too well how that felt. I wondered briefly about Zayn's past and what brought him here. To Louis and to Vince. What brought each of them here? Why made them stay?

We stepped foot into the room, and Vince smirked wickedly at me. Louis didn't even spare a glance my way. Liam, I noticed, was stood in the corner, the furthest away from the action that would be going on.

"Hello, heir of the Styles family fortune," I despised the title, but knowing my displeasure only seemed to encourage Vince. "Your dear parents and friends are going to see this video, so it has to be perfect. It's all about keeping up appearances, right? Looking good in print and media?"

I didn't offer a response. I simply made eye contact with him, attempting to not be fazed at all by his comments. He glared at me before roughly tugging me forward by my tied up hands and pushing me down into a chair.

"Tie his hands down," He ordered. Instantly, Louis and Zayn were on either side of me, cutting open the zip tie and placing my hands on either arm of the wooden chair before me. Zayn's tie around my wrist was tight, the ropes rubbing into the skin of my wrist to a painful degree, but Louis' tie was slightly different. It was tight enough so that I couldn't break free, but there was a little more slack to the rope, enough so that it wouldn't rub and burn my skin too much if I wriggled around. I wondered why he tied to that way.

"Remember what I told you," He whispered to me before finishing his tie and backing up. He stood beside the tripod that held up a camera. Zayn walked over to Liam's side in the far corner of the room, placing a hand on the shoulder of the boy he cared for. With everyone else out of the way, it gave Vince the floor.

"What I want from you is pretty simple," The man stated as he leaned forward to look me in the eyes. His hand reached out to my jaw, running his fingers over my skin before gripping my jaw tightly. A huff of breath escaped me at his force. "I want you to beg."

I knew as much. Louis informed me of everything I needed to know.

"I want you to plead for your life, and I want it to be authentic."

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