Chapter One

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My eyes snapped open, quickly I look around trying to find anything, a clue as to what was happening, but nothing. All I could see was absolutely nothing, a void of nothing that seemed endless, the silence around me was eerie. "What's going on?" I ask out loud to no one really, but what I didn't expect was an answer back, "Glad you asked, you've passed away, to put it simply." I hear a mans voice break the silence. I quickly turn around to be faced with a man, tall with dark hair, a devilish grin, who was wearing a suit and somehow was visible in this void of complete and udder desolation. "Wait-" I say confused before the realization of what he said kicked in, "What!" I yelled as I stood still for a moment before taking a moment to realize I should calm down because nothing can change what's already happened, so I took a deep breath and spoke, "I'm sorry, I just.. wasn't expecting that answer." I paused, looking at him hesitantly,"So...who exactly are you?" I asked as I started to calm down more, but still slightly on edge.

 "Well, I'm Lucifer darling." He smiled, "Does that mean I'm going to hell?" I asked after a moment, tilting my head curiously, he was slightly taken aback by my calm curiosity but complied with an answer to my question,

  "Not exactly, you see, you're a special case. You have been marked as my designated, I'm to guide you so to speak. From here you'll be reborn into a universe of your choosing to fix. Of course you'll have abilities, and you will be able to talk to me at any point inside of your mind." He explained. I took a moment to think, so many questions popping into mind at this new information, "Not that I'm not grateful, but...why choose me?" I asked, confused as to why I would be even considered for this the first place, "I have my own reasons child." He waved his hand slightly, "Moving on, have you any idea of which universe you'd like to go to?" He asks, kinda suspicious but whatever.

After taking some time to decide, I made up my mind. I look up at the taller man, meeting his gaze, "The Vampire Diaries. Maybe I can knock some sense into Elena. Seriously, she's dumb as hell." I said annoyed, Lucifer slightly chuckled at my annoyance, "Alright then-" He clapped his hands together, "-before I send you there, I would imagine you'd like some more information?" He asks the obvious, "Well, duh." I state, deadpanning. He rolls his eyes, but you can see the small smile, "Your name will be Riley Gilbert, Age 17, twin sister to Elena Gilbert, older sister to Jeremy Gilbert, Soulmate to 5 supernaturals. You will have your current phone, charger, and unlimited data, your welcome, you will be a Angel/Demon Hybrid, you're immortal, and your abilities include: Compulsion over all supernaturals, element control, super speed, super strength, she can make herself look like a demon (Short black horns, red skin, black eyes, decaying cheek), Half black half white wings, Healing powers, magic that's not ancestral." He finished.

My mouth was slightly open, I mean, woah. "Um, wait mates?" I asked nervously, He nodded, "Yes child, why?" "Well, I don't know, I'm a little self conscious I guess." I said slightly looking away, he looked at me for a moment, like he was having an internal debate with himself, "No need to worry child, you're perfect in your own...way, if anything, you're out of their league. If they hurt you they'll just have to deal with the king of hell." He said with a slightly manic look in his eyes.

"Aw, does the big bad devil care bout little old me?" I teased, he rolled his eyes slightly grumbling. I laughed, shaking my head, "It is time child." Smiling slightly at me, I just nodded, I smiled at him, "Until next time old man." He shook his head and sent me to my new life.

I woke up in a bedroom in what I'm guessing is the Gilbert house. 'I wonder what episode this is' I think,

'This would be episode one child' (<- Lucifer in italics)

'Hey Lucifer?'

'Yes child?'

'Is there any way to break the curse put on Klaus, without all the death and despair shit?'

'It would seem there is, would you like to do it now?'

'No, we should wait till he arrives'

'As you wish child'

'Thanks old man'

I'm snapped out of my conversation with Lucifer due to a knock at my door, "Riley, time to get up for school." Elena shouts, like bitch, no need to shout. "Okay, I'm up." I say back, I get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower. When I'm done I go to the closet, 'Not bad' I shrug, (Outfit above^) I put on my shoes, brush my hair, throwing it into a messy bun. I go upstairs and see Jenna, Jeremy, Elena in the kitchen, "Hey Riles/Riley" Jeremy, Jenna and Elena says, "Hey, good morning." I smile at them, "Bonnie's outside, bye." Elena says walking out lightly pushing past me, "Hey Riles can you take me to school, my ride bailed last minute." Jeremy asks, "Sure Jerbear." I smile, nodding. "Oh and we need to talk after school." I say seriously, "Yeah, sure." He nods.

That's one thing I never liked about Elena, she didn't give him a choice about knowing of the creatures that go bump in the night, which resulted in them having a bumpy relationship, and making him suffer 2 times more. In the end causing more trouble and pain than if she had just simply told them the truth instead of taking their rights away. They deserve the truth as much as anyone else. I mean, come on, how did Matt get to know but not her direct family who would ultimately be deeply affected by the drama she attracts? Makes no damn sense if you ask me. I plan on giving him the freedom and choices he needs and deserves.

"I'm ready to go." Jeremy says, breaking me out of my thoughts, I just nodded, grabbing my bag and keys, walking out of the house.

Oh boy, first day. I can't wait. Note the sarcasm. I walk out and stop when I see my car. It's a 1975 baby blue Ford Bronco. It's my absolute dream car, and I can't help but thank Lucifer over and over inside my head.

We made it to school, I got some looks and whispers, "Why are they looking at me?" I ask Jeremy, "It's probably a mix between your outfit, and your tattoos." He said shrugging. Oh. I totally forgot about my mate marks. Damn. I shrugged and walked into school. I made it to Mr. Tanners class and sat down, Mr. Tanner started speaking but I spaced out until I heard, "I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena. But the personal excuses ended with summer break. You too Ms. Riley." He said, oh hell naw. I stood up, "That's fucked and you know it. I, nor Elena are using our parents death to get out of anything. What happened was tragic, and took a toll on us, just because she doesn't know an answer to a stupid fucking History question doesn't mean you can trash our parents death. How far is that stick up your ass? Do you need help pulling it out?" I said hotly, everyone was gaping at me, I rolled my eyes and scoffed, walking out. As I left I heard everyone whispering and laughing. Tanner stuttered for a moment, embarrassed, before snapping at everyone to get back to work.

After school I brought Jeremy into my room for our talk, my room was the entire basement, so I knew that we'd be okay to speak openly here. "So what's so important?" Jeremy asks confused, "To put it bluntly, vampires, werewolves, witches, angels and demons are real. I wanted to tell you because I know you are capable of making your own decisions, and in the future people are gonna try and take those decisions away from you. I want you to be prepared and safe, not vulnerable and oblivious." I said looking him dead in the eyes. I could tell he was trying to tell if I was lying or not,

"You're not lying are you?" He asks looking at me, "I'm not." I deadpan. "How do you know? Are you a v-" I cut him off, "No I'm not a vampire, but I'm a Angel Demon Hybrid." I say quietly, scared of what he'll think, "That's.." Oh no, "Awesome!" Wait- huh? "You don't hate me?" I ask in disbelief "What? No, of course not." He hugs me. Damn, he might be crazy. Eh, it's okay, so am I. For the rest of that night we talked about the supernatural and my abilities.

Watch out world, because here I come. (That's what she said... I'll stop)

A/N: Thanks for reading! I do not own The Vampire Diaries, or the characters, I only own my OC Riley. <3

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