Chapter 14: Heartbreak, And Love

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Riley's P.O.V.

"What the actual fuck." I state, looking at the lipstick stain on Damon's cheek, starting to feel tears well up in my eyes but I push them back. At this point Lucifer was standing directly next to me, his eyes were dark, and his hands were shaking. I realized he knew what happened. Must've read his mind, I sigh, disappointment and hurt shining in my eyes. "Who?" I ask in almost a whisper. "I don't know what you-" "Don't." I cut him off, shaking my head. "Don't act like you have no clue what I'm talking about. Next time you wanna whore around with someone who isn't your soulmate, make sure to get rid of the lipstick stained on your cheek." I state as he quickly tries to rub the pink lipstick off, looking nervous. "Now, I'm not going to ask again. Who was it?" I ask, my voice wavering. Elijah, Enzo and Klaus all come up behind me to provide comfort. Damon whispers something that I didn't catch, "What was that, hm, didn't quite catch it." I say, "Elena." He says slightly louder, just above a whisper. Instantly I feel my heart breaking, "Elena? That slag out of all people?" Enzo says, gritting his teeth. In an instant I ran out of the house, I needed to be anywhere but here.

3rd P.O.V.

As soon as Riley ran out Klaus went to follow her but Elijah stopped him, shaking his head, and Klaus didn't fight him.

All heads turn from the door to Damon, the air becoming dense, a dark aura filling the room. Everyone got chills, heads snapped to Lucifer, who look ready to murder his daughter in all but bloods soulmate. Slowly, Lucifer started walking towards Damon, the ladder slightly staggering back, afraid of what the immortal man might do. "Gentlemen, I dare say that this lad needs to be taught a lesson. What do you say?" A malicious smile took over the 3 mens faces, a dark chuckle came from Lucifer, "Well then, let's get you acquainted with fish hooks, shall we?" Lucifer says grabbing his arm shoving him down the basement steps that lead to the dungeon.

Riley's P.O.V

When I finally stopped I realized I was outside of Caroline's house. I sigh, tears are streaming down my face at this point, I wipe them away and knock on the home's front door. Caroline gasps when she sees me, red puffy eyes, tears cascading down my face uncontrollably. "Riley, oh my god, what happened?" She asked concerned, pulling me inside and into a warm hug. "He- Damon cheated on me." I say slightly faltering over my words, Caroline gasps, she looks a mix between furious and in disbelief. I don't blame her. He's my soulmate, how could someone who's fated to you, to love you and protect you, hurt you more than anyone ever could? Maybe I was wrong about Damon. I thought maybe under his cold facade there was a person. A person who was hurting, that needed love, people who supported him and cared about him despite his flaws. But now? I see I was wrong. I don't know if he actually ever gave a shit about me.

Caroline sat me on the couch, still embracing me. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked me softly, "I don't get how he could cheat. I just feel like a fool. Although I should've seen this coming." I chuckle dryly, Caroline tilts her head, "What do you mean?" She asks, confused. I sigh, "When I first met Damon I asked him not to open the tomb to retrieve Katerina because she was never inside. He betrayed my trust after promising me he wouldn't. He left me down in the tomb, not stopping to even say goodbye. Then I found out from Tyler that he kissed Katerina thinking it was Elena." Caroline's mouth drops open in shock, "I know. Strangely I've felt less and less connected to Damon, like every time he betrayed me our soul bond was slowly dissipating. But when Damon admitted to cheating I felt our bond completely snap in two. But it still hurts, you know?" I say, my voice cracking slightly, "Oh Riley." Caroline sighs sadly, hugging me tighter, "If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure your other soulmates and Lucifer are making his existence hell." She smiles, I slightly laugh. At the mention of soulmates I remember Klaus wanted to wake his family up, and even though my bond with Damon was now null, I didn't want my soulmates away from their family any longer. I looked at the clock on the wall that read 7p.m. I stood up, "Thank you for being there for me Care Bear, but I promised 'Lijah and Nik we'd wake their family up tonight." I say smiling at her, she smiles back, "Always Riley, anytime you need away from those man babies you can always come over." She hugged me at the door, we said our goodbyes as I sped back to the Salvatore boarding house.

"Nik, 'Lijah, Enzo?" I call into the house as I walk into the living room and see no one. I hear them walk into the room and turn around, immediately I'm wrapped in 3 pairs of arms, "How are you doing Elskan?" 'Lijah softly asks, "I'm alright, just want to move on and not dwell on what happened. Are you guys ready for a Mikealson family reunion?" I ask as we all separate, with the exception of Enzo's arm around my shoulders, "Ready as I'll ever be love." Nik replies, he whistles and a couple of hybrids wheel the coffins into the room. "Where's my dad?" I ask, looking at the boys, "He's a bit preoccupied downstairs at the moment darling." Elijah informs me and I just nod, knowing they won't tell me right now.

Nik opens the first coffin and pulls the dagger out of the ancient vampire's chest. Instantly, the 1,000 year old being sits up, eyes immediately finding mine. Growling, I feel arms protectively around me,


A/N: Who do you guys think it is? How will the others react to a new soulmate, one that's completely unexpected? Let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments, I'd love to hear what you have to say, stay safe, I love you! :) <3

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