Chapter Two

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Riley's P.O.V.

After talking with Jeremy until 3 a.m., I went to get ready for bed, until I realized, 'Shit. Vicki. I'll deal with that tomorrow.' I sighed, already in a comfortable position in bed.

I woke up early the next day, knowing that I needed to take care of Vicky, and soon. I got dressed (Outfit Above^) and walked upstairs. I seen Aunt Jenna looking at herself in the mirror, "Up or down?" She asks, "Up, it's more of business woman vibe." I said, leaning against the wall.

 "Leaving it down gives boozy housewife feels." I said further, "Ah." She said, smirking, slightly rolling her eyes. "I have some stuff to do, have fun with Mr. Tanner." I said sarcastically, waving my hand lazily, she just rolled her eyes at me, huffing. I knew Vicki would still in the hospital, which is pretty ironic, considering what I'm about to do to her. I walk into Vicki's room, I kind of felt bad, but I know she's gonna die anyways, plus she ends up hurting Jeremy. Can't have that. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

I quickly snapped her neck, laying her head down gently. I heard footsteps approaching, but I didn't hear a heartbeat so I knew it was THE hero hair himself, Stefan Salvatore.  I exited the room, startling him slightly, "What are you doing here?" He asks, "What are YOU doing here?" I retort, he looks at me for a minute, I felt uncomfortable under his gaze, so I left. Oh boy, can't wait for him to find out. Note the sarcasm.

I ended up walking to the Grill, "Hey! Riley, come join us!" Caroline yelled, waving me over excitedly. I actually like her, sure she's a 'mean girl' for a bit, but I really liked her character development. So, I smiled and walked over, "Hey." I said as Elena got up, saying something about going to see hero hair, "Oh, can I come, I walked here and it's a long walk home." I asked, Truth is, I really wanted to meet Damon. Can't blame a girl though, "Sure, I just need to stop somewhere on the way back." She said, I just nodded and got into the car.

Once we made it to the boarding house, Elena knocked as the door slightly opened, so Elena just thinks 'hey! let's walk into a strangers house without being invited in' like, dude. I followed her in, and a crow flies right past us, startling us both. Elena whirled around to look at the door but I just kept looking forward knowing it was Damon's doing. As Damon appeared, my left shoulder burned. OMFG. Damon Salvatore is one of my soulmates! He slightly hissed under his breath, then looked at me. I swear I could die at any moment. Well, he looked down at me, I was 5'3 he was 5'10. Damn, care to share? 

"Sorry, we didn't mean to barge in, the door was-" She looked at the door confused, breaking our staring contest. When she looked at me, she shot me a slight glare, Damon caught it and narrowed his eyes, "I'm sorry, Stefan isn't in at the moment, would you like me to tell him you stopped by?" He asks, "Um, uh, no thank you, we better get going." Elena said grabbing my arm, "You can go without me, I'll be home soon." I said, shaking her arm off, she looked at me funny but nodded and left anyway.

I looked back to see Damon staring at me, "Hi, so, I guess we're mates huh?" I chuckled awkwardly, "It seems so." He smirked, but you could tell he was confused as to how I knew. "So, wanna sit down and talk? My legs are killing me." I joked, trying to break the slight tension in the air as he gave a light chuckle, nodding, and leading me to the couch.

After we sat down he immediately asks me a question, "How do you know about mates?" Oh boy. "Well, it's kind of a long story, but to put it simply, Lucifer picked me as his chosen. I died in my past life, got chosen by Lucifer, got to pick any universe to fix, reborn into an half Angel half Demon with powers, named Riley Gilbert. Also everyone here was just a TV series." Yeah, 'simple'. "Also I have multiple mates." I said quickly, nervously smiling. He looked deep in thought, "How's that, 'putting it simply'?" He asks, I just smiled nervously, secretly dying on the inside.

"So you're from a different universe, friends with Lucifer, a half angel half demon, AND have multiple mates?" He asks, "Yup." I say popping the 'p', "Damn, and I thought my life was crazy." He says, taking a swig of his bourbon that I didn't even notice him get-. At this point I bust out laughing, he looks constipated af right now.

"Can I see my mark?" He asks, "Sure, but I have to take off my shirt, so no funny business Mr." I say pointing a finger at him, he agrees silently, I pull off my shirt and turn around, moving my hair out of the way. He walks up behind me, and softly touches it, "I found it funny that it's a crow and not a glass of bourbon." I joked. After a minute of him admiring it I turned around, putting my shirt back on.

"I need to ask you to do something." I say seriously after a minute of silence, "Yeah, anything." He says thrown off by my change in tone, "Don't go after Katherine (I'm to lazy to see if that's correct.), 1. She isn't your mate, 2. She only plays you in the end, I don't want you to be hurt, and I'd rather not be with someone that will choose going after their crazy ex instead of me. I will not except being hurt by your games." I said sternly, I am not trying to end up in a screwed up love triangle, ending in me crying and eating ice cream, watching the notebook with Caroline. "I promise, now that I've met you, my mate, I can't imagine being with anyone else." He told me softly. Let's be real, Damon's just a big softy. And at the time, I really did believe him.

Key word: Did.

A/N: This is my last post before I begin my new schedule. Cliff hanger hehe. I'll probably do about 3-5 more chapters about season 1, then it'll be moving on to season 2, stay tuned, lot's of drama coming up! Bye loves! <3

A/N: I won't be posting today due to personal reasons, but I will post twice or maybe 3 times on Wednesday. I hope you understand, thank you, -With Love, Madison. <3

Edited; 7/19/2023

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