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Destined Legacy was written by ©Sol and belongs to her. It cannot be copied without her permission. I do not own anything Charmed related, which is owned by Constance M. Burge and Brad Kern. No infringement of any copyrights is intended.

All the characters traits in Destined belong to © Sol as well. Destined is a registered work and belongs only and exclusively to ©Sol. Any copy or reproduction without permission is a crime punished by law. Promotional posters and images were created by © Sol as well. Photos used to created promotional images for Destined are property of their respective owners. The author of Destined is not affiliated with any Charmed or Destined Cast. All trademarks, copyrights, and/or legal ownership of items are property of their respective owners.

Destined Legacy - A New Generation of Warrens Rises / Season 1Where stories live. Discover now