Kim Lip - Eclipse 6/12

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"You're the only song I want to hear."

Kim Jungeun or known as Kim Lip is a new soloist from BBC, Kim Lip is now open to her new world. Her popularity is too far to IU, BoA, or anyone in the industry,  let's hope that's only in beginning. She released her debut single and an instrumental of her song.

For the following months, she releases an extended play with three songs in it, it's quite a catch and she starts to get exposure.

Earning money from her profession is far from what we imagine her getting. But still, she never gave up on following her dream. Chuu is her great friend, next to Haseul, together they're in the cafe and chilling. Kim Lip notices her sad face, which is rare to see to Chuu's happy-go-lucky's face. "You seem to be bothered."

"Yeah well, Haseul unni bothers me for no good reasons. I feel bad for running away, I'm scared." Chuu began, drinking from her water bottle. Jungeun looks at her, though she's known to be cold and quiet, Jungeun reassures her. "I know, it's okay to be sad at least, it's one of our emotions. You can spill it, come on. Maybe it will lift something heavy in your system."

Chuu hesitates at first to tell Jungeun, "I don't know.."

"Hey! Chuu!" Jinsoul greets and it made Chuu stop talking. As expected, the lady is wearing office wear, holding a bag, and waving at Chuu. "Is she your friend?" Kim Lip asked Chuu, Chuu nods.

She sits in the middle, "Hi Chuu! I took a leave, I need to do something important... and you, you're Kim Lip! It's a pleasure to see you here!" Jinsoul exclaims and asks for Kim Lip to shake their hands.

Jinsoul never looked away from Kim Lip, she slowly smiles as she sees Kim Lip looking at her straight from her eyes. Kim Lip blushes in response, Jinsoul giggles and introduces herself and her friendship with Chuu. "You guys look like couples, that's how my grandpa and my grandma met though."

"S...sorry to break that to you but I'm banned from dating." Kim Lip admits, Jinsoul sighs as she understands. "Wait do you want to date her?" Chuu surprisingly asked.

Jinsoul laughs, "I mean yes, I'd snatch her right way..." Kim Lip rolls her eyes, not believing in her as she focuses on her cake. Chuu continues as she sees Jinsoul is not distracting her anymore. "Haseul unni turned into evil, after wishing on a corpse."


Chuu told the two that she saw Haseul and the male from the bass section inside the hospital, she even explains what they're doing there. Kim Lip laughs in disbelief. "Aren't you old to believe that they did something weird there? What if he's Haseul's boyfriend?"

"If he was,  why he's in the hospital with her?"

"I don't know, maybe the dude wants to flex his weird humor to Haseul or anything. I don't care, I leave, nice to meet you Jinsoul, goodbye Chuu." Kim Lip stands up, grabs her purse, and left the two. Jinsoul and Chuu only look at her. "She looks cold and collected, wonders if she was like that," Jinsoul observes.

"She's like that, don't worry her hidden personality is quite diverse," Chuu answers, finishing her water bottle. 

Jinsoul mutters under her breath, "Wow, hot."

After that conversation, Kim Lip had faced one of her competitors in Music Bank. She keeps her calm face upon seeing the gap of her score to the other score she knew in the place she would not win. At the very back, she watches the rookie group from a big company win, cries, and celebrates their first win.

Kim Lip happens to roll her eyes and one of the group notices it, as she left. The next day of promoting her single, she's filming for her daily vlog for her channel's content. While talking about her schedule and such, one member from that group went to staff and they secretly talk something.

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