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Namjoon's P.O.V

It's 3:45 pm. I was waiting outside Bighit dance studio. Yes, I got there early cuz I was so excited. I couldn't control myself. I've never been so punctual for anything all my life. I'm usually the one that shows up last at a meeting.

Fifteen more minutes till I meet him in real life. I'm so nervous. I'm meeting my IDOL!! Dancing with him!!! Why can't I breathe properly???!!! My heart is going crazy!!!!

I suck at dancing. He's so graceful with his moves. He'd probably laugh at my weird robot-like stiff dance. That would be embarrassing. Maybe this was a bad idea.

I can't back out now anyways. Might as well do my best.

I looked up from my phone and saw a familiar figure walking towards me. His smile was actually radiating light. Sunshine. My Sunshine. I wish I was the reason he smiles like that. I'd be the most blessed human if I can wake up to that smile everyday.

He stopped right in front of me and reached out to shake hands with me, I took it. His hands were warm. He held my hands firmly with his soft hand. That sunshine of a smile was still as bright as ever on his face. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Namjoon right?", he asked. I nodded with a smile plastered onto my face.

"Cute dimples you got there", he said. "I've heard that dimples appear only when you have a genuine smile on your face. If you try to fake a smile, it won't show up. Even if it does, it apparently won't be as deep as the genuine one."

"Really?? I never knew that." I said.

"Give it a try then. Fake a smile and let's see if it is as deep." He said.

I smiled. Of course not a fake one. How can I fake a smile when my sunshine is in front of me, watching me try to make my dimple less deep.

"Your dimples are deeper than earlier. I guess that fact was fake huh?" He said.

I don't know if that fact is fake, but I know my smile isn't.

"I guess so", I lied.

(A/N: That fact is actually true. Dimples are deeper when your smile is genuine!)q

"Well it's nice to meet you Joon. Let's go inside and bring the dancer out of you." He chuckled.

I shyly nodded and followed him to the entrance of the studio.


" 5....6...7...8"
His voice echoed through the studio as I tried to get one of the moves right. We've been at this for almost two hours. This guy's got TOO much stamina. I'm here, literally panting like a dog and drinking water every 15 minutes. He hasn't had a sip of water since we began. How?! Is he even human??

"Okay let's take a break now", he said. I fell on the floor, almost as if my legs turned off on listening to thise words. I was breathing really hard. He sat down next to me with a bottle in his hand. He slowly sipped water out of it. FINALLY. He then looked and me smiled.

"Did I make you work too much?" he asked. I could see that he was truly concerned about me. I sat up and shook my head. "No no no. This was fun. Honestly I am a little tired but it's not that bad." I tried to assure him.

He nodded, "Your feet might be sore tonight. If it is, then use a pain-relief balm or a heat pack or give yourself a massage. Okay?"

"Okay" I smiled at him. "Thank you for sparing time for me. I feel slightly more confident about my dance now. You really do inspire me."

He raised his eyebrows like he suddenly had an idea.

"Let's do one final practice then. Together. From the top till where we stopped", he said and walked towards the speaker.

He pressed the play button. The music started filling the room. I got up and stood in front of the mirror. I took a few breaths and started dancing. Hoseok was dancing with me. Seeing his movements in the mirror made me happy.

I don't know how I could dance like that. It's like my body just moved by itself to the sound of music. I was surprised at how much in sync I was with Hobi. I stopped dancing at the halt of the music.

My eyes searched for Hobi as soon as I stopped. He was smiling so wide like he was proud of me. I felt so happy seeing that sunshine of a smile.

*Time skip*

It was 7:30pm. We were done for today. THANK GOD. I was so close to passing out!!

Hobi was closed up the studio and walked towards me. I hugged him when he got closer.

"Thank you", I managed to voice. "Thank you for giving me the courage do something I've never done before."

I let go of him and looked him in the eye. He was a little surprised at my action, but it didn't look like he hated it. He just smiled his iconic smile at me.

Dancing your way into my heart | Namseok Texting/ InstagramWhere stories live. Discover now