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Hoseok's P.O.V

I am really glad Joonie liked the gift I got him. I had to beg Beomgyu for it. He couldn't take his eyes off that action figure. I was starting to get jealous of it.

"Joon I'm right here you know." He looked up at me and put the figure back in the bag.

"Sorry Hobi. I just love love loooove Ironman so much!!! I can't thank you enough for getting me one of his action figures!!!"
I couldn't help but chuckle. He sounded like a kid. I ruffled his hair making him smile.

~time skip cuz I'm lazy af again~

We were now at my place. We decided to order something and watch a movie.

"What do you wanna eat?" Joon asked me.

"Hamburger!!" I screamed.

"...and Sprite!!" I added. He laughed.

"Okay we'll get that then" He said dialing a number on his phone to order.

I was looking for a movie to watch but I couldn't find a good one. I waited for Namjoon to come back hoping that he'd have some good suggestions.

He came back smiling after a couple of minutes.

"It'll be here in 15 minutes" He said.

"Good. Then help me select a movie now"

He sat next to me on the couch, looking at all the movies popping up on the screen of my laptop as I scrolled down. We couldn't find anything.

"Hey you know what's better than movies?" He asked.


He didn't answer my question. He just grabbed the laptop from me and sat in a way that I wont be able to see the screen. I tried to peep but heard the bell ring.

"That must be the food. Could you please go get that Hobi?" He asked with a naughty smile.

I sighed and walked to get the food. I put the food on the tea table while he connected the laptop to the TV. He played it and sat down next to me. The video started playing and it was one of my dance covers. I looked at him with a confused face.

"What? Why?"

"Because this is what made me fall for you" He smiled. I could feel my cheeks heat up. I looked back at the screen and started cringing. Joon, on the other hand, awed every once in a while.

"You're like a dance machine Hobi!!!" He said.

I didn't reply. I didn't know what to say.

Joon helped me clean up the table after we were done eating.

He got up to play the next video. This time he played the video of us, the dance cover we made together.

"This dance cover was one of the best things that happened to me..." He said "...cuz I got to dance with my idol" I chuckled and pushed him away slightly. He pulled me into a cuddle.

We watched a few more videos before Joon looked at the time.

"I better go Hobi. It's almost 12"

I wanted him to stay but I didn't stop him. I just smiled and nodded. I walked him to the door. He gave me a hug before going out, which I returned happily. We waved each other goodbye and I closed the door.

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and took it out. I unlocked it to see that there was a text message.

Joon❤️ : Thank you for today. I had a wonderful time.

Dancing your way into my heart | Namseok Texting/ InstagramWhere stories live. Discover now