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Namjoon's P.O.V

After a long day of practice, washing my face with cold water felt like heaven. I wiped my face with my towel and tried to fix my hair with a wet hand. Of course I can't look like a super model after a tiring day, but I didn't wanna look like shit either. It's our first date. Technically It's not a date, but whatever, I have to look good for him. The men's room door opened revealing a familiar figure.

"Hey Hobs", I said.

I did NOT just call him that.

"Hey Joon"

Thank God he didn't notice.

"I hope you haven't forgotten that we're going out to eat today"

"Of course not. I never forget. Especially not about food", he said and smiled his infamous sunshine smile.


"Good. I'll wait outside then"

He nodded.

*Time skip*

"Yaaah This meat is sooo good!! So juicy!!!", he said while chewing.

"You better swallow before you speak", I couldn't help but laugh at him sticking out his tongue when I said that.

There was barbecue sauce around his lips. I chuckled.


That's when his lips caught my eyes. It was so pink. It looked real soft. I wonder how it tast-

Wtf am I thinking??!!

I looked up at him and saw him looking at me.

"Is there something on my face?", he asked.


"Uh yeah. There's sauce on your face", I said, trying to fake a laugh.

"Oops. I'm a messy eater. At least that's what my mom says", he said wiping his lips with a napkin.

"I can see why."

He laughed at that.

Music to my ears :)

"Hey Joon. You wanna do a dance cover with me?"

I was not expecting that.

"Me?" I chuckled "You're kidding right?"

"No. Why would I be kidding?"

"Because I just started dancing recently. I'm not that great of a dancer anyways."

"Joon. I've told you this before, but I'll say it again. I believe everyone has their own style of dance. You've got your own style too. If I didn't like your dance I wouldn't have asked you to do this with me. Just tell me if you wanna dance with me or not without judging yourself", he said with a rather stern voice, like he was scolding me.

"Of course I do"

"Good cuz I've got the perfect song for us"


A/N : The "perfect song" I thought of is Mic drop :)))

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