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You pulled into the parking lot at the restaurant where your boyfriend worked, excited for today. It was always something that the two of you did since you worked two different shifts, you the morning and him the afternoon and when he started working in this new, trendy and popular restaurant. It was an almost weekly thing to show up to his job and share a meal in your car while the two of you just cruised around the small block by the place. It was always nice since the two of you listened to your favorite music, held hands and just shared kisses. You jumped out of the car, walking to the back since you needed to throw out a coffee cup you had from this morning. As you walked over to the huge trash cans right behind the eatery, you heard the slight sound of groaning. You raised your eyebrow, taking out a headphone. You walked closer to the sound. Hearing how faint it was. You knelt down, moving a side a bunch of newspapers and revealing a small puppy. Shivering inside of a cardboard box. You let out a gasp. The poor little thing!

It looked like a husky. It's nose twitched slightly before it sneezed. You cooed at it, holding out your hand to it. Understanding that it might not trust you. The puppy was just happy for any sort of human interaction. It whimpered, limping towards you and pressing its face into your hand. You frowned at it, slowly picking it up and brushing its head.

"Babe? Babe? If you're trying to scare me, please don't!"

You looked over. "Bf/n!"

Within seconds, he rushed to your side. "Y/n, why are you behind the dumpster? It stinks back here."

"Look." you called, holding out the puppy gently. "I was throwing something out and found this little guy."

Bf/n instantly melted, slowly stepping towards it and petting him. "He's so cold. Poor little guy." he said.

"I think that he's sick." you said to him, seeing the way the little animal shivered and how matted the fur was already at this point. Your boyfriend hummed, taking your free hand.

"Come on, where's your car?" he called.

"It's right here." you said, walking back over to your car. He silently asked for your keys and the two of you stepped in.

"There's a vet two minutes from here. I walk past it on my way to get coffee." he said, starting up the car.

You looked down at the puppy, pulling it up and closer to your chest. The husky's eyes were closed tightly. "Oh... it looks like he has an infection." you said, seeing something green in one of his eyes. You pulled your hoodie off and wrapped it around it's body.

Bf/n hummed in acknowledgment and worry, slowly moving the car down the road and leading you towards the vet's office.  You handed your boyfriend the dog as you turned to the receptionist and explained everything. Bf/n raised his eyebrow, looking at it as it let out a mighty sneeze. "Oh. Sorry." he whispered, wiping his snout.

The receptionist rushed to the back, returning with the vet. The vet smiled at the two of you, taking the puppy from you and telling you it would take a while while they see what's the matter with it. You exhaled, glad that you managed to get it some help. "Here." your boyfriend called, handing you some hand sanitizer. You smiled, rubbing it into your hand. "Come on."  he called.


"It's going to take a while for the vet to see what's the matter with the dog. Let's go get some food. You've been working all day too. Let's get some food in that belly of yours and take a nice walk." he said.

You sighed. "Okay." you said, grabbing his arm and hugging it.

"That's my girl."

The two of you returned after an hour. You had gone to your boyfriend's job to explain the situation quickly and Bf/n requested a quick hour off to help out. When you knew he just wanted to stay at your side. You both walked inside, holding the smoothies from the small taco shack where you had gone and gotten some lunch. When you came back, the receptionist was there with a smile. "Hey." he said, walking to you guys.

"Hey." Bf/n called.

"So is the dog okay?" you couldn't help but ask.

The receptionist grinned and nodded. "Oh yes. The puppy is fine."

"Oh thank goodness." you said.

"That's great." Bf/n said, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

"We think that someone's dog had some pups, waited for them to grow a bit and then dumped this guy by where you found him. He's was cold, still is cold, but we've got the little guy underneath a warm lamp with a blanket. But he does have an eye infection. Probably because you found him in a dumpster. Poor little guy must have gotten something in his eye." he said.

You frowned. "But he's going to be okay?"

"Yeah. We're going to take care of the matting and get him on some medicine. What he really needs is some food, a warm place to stay and maybe a nap." he said.

"I can take him with me." you said. "I can take care of him."

"Really?" Bf/n called in unison with the receptionist.

"Really." you said back.

"If you're sure." the receptionist called. "It's no problem with me. We just want to put your name down for the cost of the medicine and along with that just to say you're taking care of him."

You nodded happily, signing what you needed to. The vet brought out the puppy in a small traveling case with a paper bag of everything you needed in terms of medicine. Your boyfriend followed you as you left, a hand pressed to the small of your back. "So you're really going to take care of him?" he asked.

"I found him. I guess that I should take care of him. Besides, I've always wanted a dog." you said back.

He rolled his eyes jokingly but kissed your head as you stepped into the car. You gently placed the carrier in the backseat, making sure it was secure. "You're always so nice Y/n. Always thinking of others." he said, looking at the carrier where the puppy was sleeping. "Don't you think so button nose?" The puppy let out a small sneeze in an unknowing response. "See? I knew you'd like Y/n."

You laughed at him, slowly starting the car.

Four months later...

"Y/n? I'm home." Bf/n called as he opened the door to your house. He kicked off his shoes and set down a huge paper bag of food. His ears perked up and he smiled, seeing and hearing the faint scratching on the floor. He leaned down as your dog rushed over to him. "Hey buddy! Hey!"

The husky, who had recovered fully and was now fully fed and larger, jumped up on his hind legs, wagging his tail happily at Bf/n. He pet his head and held a hand out, the two of them having a shared and happy handshake. "Come on buddy. Where's Y/n? Huh? Can you show me? Can you show me?"

The dog barked happily and started sprinting, Bf/n following him. The dog barked happily when he made it upstairs, launching himself up into your side of the bed and licking at your cheek. He landed on your belly, making you laugh from how ticklish it felt, but you rubbed behind his ears like you knew he liked as he pressed his slobbery kisses against his cheeks as he wagged his tail. Bf/n chuckled, walking over to you. "My turn." he said, peppering your cheeks with kisses before dragging his bottom lip up your jaw. "Hi sweetie."

"Hi babe." you said back kissing him. "How was work?"

"Good. Long. But we made too much of those chicken strips that you love, so I brought home extra." he said. "Just for my girl."

Your dog barked.

"Yes, yes, and you too." he said.

𝔅𝔬𝔶𝔣𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔡 ℑ𝔪𝔞𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰 & 𝔖𝔪𝔲𝔱🧡🌶️Where stories live. Discover now