12. Alexander

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Though she had promised, Mel hadn't visited me since her first day back at the Drew residence. The morning after, I had received a text from Mel, informing me that she won't be visiting me unless necessary.

The day after, David had called, asking why I had not come over to visit Mel as promised. I had given the usual, most believable excuse. I had told him that I had back-to-back surgeries scheduled. I had given him the impression that I probably wouldn't be able to make it till the weekend.

My answer seemed to have put him at ease. He had not bothered asking about anything else.

Whatever it was that was bothering Mel, she had continued hiding it from me. "You are imagining things, Alex." She had said a few times that I had called her. Then she had gone on to tell me how David had started joining them during mealtimes, where he had played the part of a doting father to perfection. He had sternly instructed the kids not to bother me multiple times. Other than that, however, David had kept to himself. He hadn't left the house even once during that time.

"I think he is waiting for something, Alex, but I don't know what it is." She had said in a low, hopeless voice. But when I had asked if I should come over, she had refused.

To say that I was surprised to receive a text from her at eight in the morning would be an understatement. My fingers tremble as I unlock my phone.

'We need to talk. Meet me at home in ten.' The message reads. Without wasting a second, I set out for the Drew residence.

When the door opens, a knowing smile greets me. I reciprocate it, but before I can rejoice, the electric blue eyes turn cold, and the smile morphs into a smirk. I instantly realize that the woman in front of me is not my Mel, but Janice.

Was it wrong for me to presume that Janice had left Mel alone?

A part of me wants to give Janice the benefit of the doubt. Maybe I was overthinking things. Maybe Janice taking over her body had something to do with David and what he knew about her.

"Good morning, Janice." I greet her to keep up appearances.

"Drop it. No one's around." The woman in front of me says, gesturing me to follow her.

When we are in her room, she hands me a file. "I suppose this should be enough to put David behind bars." She pulls out her phone. "And this should be enough to get him out of Mrs. Drew's life."

My phone beeps.

"Check it later." She stops me from checking my phone. "My work here is done. Doctor, I need you to get me out of here. Now." She points to the bags she has kept ready at the foot of the bed.

"Janice, what are you talking about? Did something happen?" I ask. She nods. "Doctor, I promised to help you implicate him, and I have done that. But knowing what I know about him, I can't afford to risk my life any further."

Janice purses her lips. "It's time for you to keep your end of the deal."

"Wait. Please." I plead. "I..can Mel hear us?" I ask; Janice nods. "Rest assured, Janice. I am not the kind that breaks my promise."

Janice nods. "I know. That's why I helped you."

As the implications of what Janice was saying becomes clear, my heart plummets. "Janice, can I... Will you..." I stutter. I feel wetness on my cheeks as I try to find words to convince Janice to allow me to speak with Mel one last time, but before I voice my request, Janice sighs. "Fine. You have five minutes." She closes her eyes, and when she opens them, it's Mel.

Mel throws her arms around me and breaks down. "Alex, David is a monster. He killed my parents. Alex, how could I have fallen in love with him?"

I return the embrace. "Don't blame yourself, Mel. It was not your fault." I stroke her hair and cup her face. "Mel," Now that she was right in front of me, I don't know where to begin. "I wipe her tears. I will try my best to save you, Mel. I will never give up."

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