11. David

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After I had seen Janice's true face, my resolve to have her by my side had intensified tenfold. Even so, I had decided to wait and see if she would approach me on her own. She hadn't. She knew what I could do, yet she pretended like everything was hunky-dory.

I couldn't get what had happened between us in the study two days ago, out of my mind. The way she had straddled my lap and pressed herself close, confident and seductive...Fuck!

Finally, I couldn't take her aloofness anymore. I had to see her. I knew that if I was to win her over, I had to give her something solid, something that would put her mind at ease. And I decide to do just that.

I wait until after dinner to visit her in the room she was sharing with Melissa. When I get there, an unexpected sight greets me. I find Janice, the woman who I had come to see as cold, seductive, and carefree, squatting on the floor and giggling with my son while helping him with his drawing.

In that instance, she reminds me of Melissa so much that I almost change my mind. But then I recall that it was the same woman who had acted all scandalized and shy just before showing me what she was really like. Janice was good at showing people what they wanted to see.

I clear my throat and enter. I put Janice in a spot to test her credibility. She passes with flying colors.

Sid leaves with tears staining his cheeks, but there is no regret on her face. No pain. No restlessness.

No, she is nothing like Melissa. 

Having her so close makes me lose my self-control, and I pull her into my arms. For a split second, she seems offended, almost disgusted, but then she is smirks.

She tosses the file I had given her on the table carelessly, and her cold, slender fingers land on the nape of my neck, and she caresses a sensitive spot there. "Are you here to work, or play, Mr. Drew?" She teases and winks back at me.

"I want you." I blurt out; she chuckles. "Getting ahead of ourselves, aren't we?" She traces my lips and parts them. This time I fail to suppress my moan. She throws her head back and laughs. "You are easy, David." Her hand moves between our bodies, and she palms my cock. A desperate, broken moan leaves me. I back her up against the wall and move in for the kill, but just before I can capture her lips, she turns her face away. "Not so fast, David." She pushes at my chest and fixes her dress.

Cold. Casual. Unaffected.

She eyes the file I had handed her previously, "For starters, I need to see for myself if your heart is sincere enough for my taste. So, let us get that out of the way, shall we?"

Damn it, woman!

I stand there perplexed and dumbfounded.

Did nothing affect her at all? Had I lost my charm? No, that couldn't be, could it?

As I stand contemplating the reasons for her actions, Janice starts going through the first file. Her file.

I join her; her eyes wander over the multiple loose sheets, but they remain calm and unaffected. It was like she was going over a grocery list and not documents that could destroy her future.

An enigma is what she is.

She closes the file and flings it back on the table. "It looks pretty accurate. I hope this is not what you meant when you said you wanted to show me your sincere heart. What else have you got?"

I hand her the second file. Might have as well handed over my life. For what Janice now held in her hands was the proof that could ruin me.

As she flips through the pages, her eyes widen. I guess she had not anticipated that I was capable of such things. I expect her to question me about my misdeeds, my sins, but she doesn't. "Not bad, David. Your resume is quite impressive." She hums. Her eyes dance with mischief. "But I am afraid it's not enough." She leaves her seat, and giving my shoulder a light squeeze, moves to the bed where Melissa lay, looking like a well-preserved corpse.

"Not enough!?" I bite out, suddenly feeling like she was trying to insult me somehow. I join her by the bed. "What more do you need from me?"

Our eyes lock and hold. What I see in them shocks me. "Don't mock my intelligence, David. What you have shown me can't hurt you. They are easily refutable." She crosses her arms over her chest. "Moreover, I am sure you won't let me hang on to them."

 It's my time to laugh. "I told you that I am here to show you my heart, did I not? And yet, you are doubting my actions."

Her brows crawl up. "I can keep it?" She asks, and I nod. "Now we are even," I state, believing that that would be enough, so it takes me by surprise when she shakes her head. "I have a few more questions. And of your answers satisfy me, I will believe that your heart is indeed as sincere as you are making it out to be."

"Are you kidding me!?" Her attitude angers me.

Who does she think she is?

"No. I am not." She replies casually and strokes Melissa's cheek. "I am not the one to push people, David. If you think you are getting the short end of the stick, take your tokens of sincerity and leave. I am tired."

I hate this: her blowing hot and cold. I seriously consider taking her advice; I could find nurses a dime a dozen, but I come to a striking realization that I did not just want anyone. I wanted her.

"Fine, go ahead. Ask me what you want. Mind you, if you dare to go against me, I will end you without a second thought."

My reply makes Janice smile; it is dazzling. She steps close and whispers. "You have no idea how much your threats turn me on, do you?"

 "You have no idea how much your threats turn me on, do you?"

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